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4 days have passed since Tony and I have started dating. School starts again tomorrow. I'm worried for how people will react when they find out that Tony and I are dating but I also know that it'll be ok because I'll be with him. I sat down on my bed and stared at the wall in front of me. I hung out with Kellin for the past 4 days as well and ever since that call he's been acting normal again. Something was up with him though. I knew him better than anyone and I know that he just doesn't let go of something if it involves his friends, mainly me. If he didn't want to tell me then that was his call and I wasn't going to pry at it. My phone went off and I was eager to see who it was.

From <3 Tony <3 : I can't wait to see you tomorrow beautiful. ;)

To <3 Tony <3 : Same to you handsome. ;)

From <3 Tony <3 : Sweet dreams then angel.

To <3 Tony <3 : Stop being so cute! >.< :P

From <3 Tony <3 : I can't help it... ;)

How was I able to get a guy as good as him!? I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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