(1)Best Friends

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You and Chen have been friends since before you can remember. He's always been there holding your head up and keeping you in check.

Chen is one year older than you and is a little troll, a troll that you are falling deeply in love with...

Does he feel the same?

Well not at the moment as he has a girlfriend... She's a bitch to him and you have to watch and it breaks your heart.

Your Pov.

I was making coffee and humming some random song when i heard my front door to my apartment open. Only Chen had a spare key so i knew it would be him, I would like a knock though... What if i was just out of the shower or something?!

As I walked to the living room to greet him i heard sniffles and the door slam hard causing me to jump.

I walked in to a fed up, monster of Chen and not my cutie best friend.

"Chen-ah...Whats wrong?" I asked as i approached a hostile Chen

"She...sh- Amanda broke up with me... Y/N what did I do?" He sniffles

"Woah Chen sit down...Tell me what happened"

"No. I don't want to talk about it...We're going out shopping and around town to get my mind off things" He instructed still not making eye contact.

"Okay let me grab my purse"

And with that we left.

Town was usual - busy, crowded, rough and booming with life as it was late at night by now. We had gone out for dinner and he told me everything, she really was a whore to him - I never liked her in the least. We are walking to a park as he wants some peace and i totally understand him. His mother died when we were only kids and when he got upset and didn't want everyone seeing him cry, i would bring him here and we would both cry and cling onto each other. We both know sides of each other that no one else does...its what makes us so close.

We sat down on these benches and no one was around... We started looking at the starlit sky.

"So Chen...What exactly happen to make Amanda call it quits?"

He turned to me and sighed. "She said that I talk and go out with you too much...That i was probably cheating on her with you and I loved you not her"

Wow. He talks about me that much? I had no idea...I feel bad cause I suppose this is my fault.

"O-Oh...C-Chen I'm so so sorry I-I never thought about that...This is so my fault oh Jesus how can I make it up to you?"

"No. Its my fault entirely... I should've followed my true Feelings" He looked to me

"C-Chen..." I asked


"What do you mean?" I asked started to shake. My breathe hitched, my heart pounding.

He smirked, "I mean, I should've listened to what I guess my heart has been telling me all along...I-I Love you Y/N..."


He started leaning in and so did I. His sweet lips brushed of mine and those stong, yet caring hands cupped my cheek and I slid my hands to his waist. After we couldn't breathe... He pulled away and smiled and so did I.

"I love you too Kim Jongdae" using his full name to be formal.

He smiled and the held my waist and pulled me impossibly closer and I wrapped my hands around his neck and he attacked my lips once again.

Exo | Chen Smuts - Chen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now