Start from the beginning

The little patient giggled slightly, and nodded his head before closing his eyes, "Can you get my mom and dad, please?"

"Sure thing. Try to rest a little, Dr. Meyers will come by your room in a bit. And be nice to him!" I warned, pointing a playful threatening finger in his direction, which made him smile slightly.

I tapped the top of his hand gently, and left the room with a genuine yet tried smile on my face. I asked the nurse at the front desk to call his parents, and gave her Tom's file back when I was done completing it.

It was still early in the morning, and now I knew Tom was fine, I was ready to come back home and enjoy my day off.

– – –

27th January, 1991

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27th January, 1991

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was a good day, and it's been a while now that I wasn't able to say that and actually mean it. But this time, I mean it. It's like something in me was different, like I was finally ready to take my life back. I found the strength to talk to Carl, and get to know him. He told me about his past, and what happened with Alice. He didn't have to, he didn't owe me the truth, but I was glad he did. Maybe having more friends by my side would help me to enjoy life to its fullest.

Today, I forgot all of my misery, all of my pain, my difference.

Today was a normal day, and I enjoyed each moment of it.

Today, I was happy to be alive.

I closed my journal and put it aside, but I didn't move from my spot by the window. I loved it here. The loft was at the top floor of the building, and it was giving onto South Park's crowded streets. The Staples Center wasn't far from where I lived, so people were always around.

I've lived in California for all my life, and for nothing in the world I would change that. Los Angeles always had the ability to surprise me, even when I thought I discovered everything about the City of Angels: the diversity of cultures, of people... This is what makes LA so wonderful. And the beach, of course.

I smiled at my own thoughts, and was brought back to reality by some groans coming from my stomach. I looked down at my watch, and noticed it was already noon. I lazily stood up from my window seat, and went to the open kitchen that gave onto the living room, to fix myself something to eat. I opened the cabinet, and fixed myself a bowl of muselli with some milk: simple, but efficient.

 I opened the cabinet, and fixed myself a bowl of muselli with some milk: simple, but efficient

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