Dirk x Reader

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Dirk and I were best friends. Ever sense we were two. To be honest, I've had one of those silly childhood crushes on him ever sense then. But then, they started getting more real, until I knew I-I loved him.

But I knew he didn't love me.

I saw him with Annette. And then I knew he had feelings for her. The way they walked extremely close, the way they ate together at the cafe where Dirk works. And...why else would Marian give Dirk a break? Cmon, she loves the guy! Of course she'd do anything for him if he wanted a girl!

I couldn't stand it longer. The pain was unbearable. And all the other guys were not open. 

The answer to all my problems were answered one day, with an idea that struck my head. I need to leave this town, and move on with my life. I realized.

I wrote a letter to my cousin Kana and he helped me out a lot. He found me a house, and it was okay with the mayor and everything! He even found me a job at Yun's Tea house.

Once I broke the news to my sister, S/N (sister's name) She cried a bit, and then bid me a farewell.


 "Hey Y/N! You left this at my house yesterday!" Dirk exclaimed to me, handing me my hat. "Thanks Dirk!" I exclaimed happily. Suddenly a coin fell out.

"Huh?" I asked picking it up. 

"That's strange!" Dirk yelled. "But hey! If one of us forgets something, lets put a coin in it! It'll be our tradition!"

I giggled, "Okay!"

Soon, Dirk forgot his bag at my house, and I returned it to him. With a coin inside of course. He giggled. "Haha thanks Y/N!"


Yup. I took off my hat, and put a small coin inside of it. Then, I wrote Dirk a note.

Dear Dirk,

I just left town today. I wish you luck with Annette. You two are close right? Well, I had to leave because I just needed a new start. I don't know, but it's alright. I think this is goodbye...well I'm sorry for not saying goodbye to you personally, but I hope you'll remember me. Keep my hat. Give it to my sister if you want...but she already told me she doesn't need it. Remember the tradition? The coin is under the ribbon.


I smoothed out the paper, and stuck it in my hat. I sighed, and got into the carriage.

It was time.

🖤🖤🖤~(You were sixteen for the last one. Now you are 20).

"Alright Y/N! I think that's good for now. How about you take a break?" Yun asked me. 

I nodded. "Okay! Thanks!"

Whenever I saw couples inside the tea house hug or kiss, I wince, just wishing that I could have love like that. It kind of hurt thinking I had never had the chance.

I was in deep thought, when suddenly I saw a new face. He seemed to see me too, and waved.

"Yo! I haven't seen you around here before! What's your name?" The boy asked me. I smiled warmly, Hey! Maybe this is my chance!

"I'm Y/N....Y/N L/N!"

The boy grinned. "Cool! I'll see you around! I got to make these deliveries though! Nice meeting you Y/N!"

I smiled, "You too!"

And then I realized. He never told me his name.

But...I already think I know what his name is.


A few days passed and we had talked everyday. He always asked questions about me, but avoided ones about him. Soon, I ran into him. "Hey Y/N!" He exclaimed. "Hi...? You never told me your name." I said awkwardly.

"Oh it's Dirk!"

My stomach dropped. And I felt really weird. And nervous. Was it him? It looked like him! Wait, how did I not notice it before though?! But wait. Hold on. Someone can have the same name as him.

"Y/N? I have a package for you."

"Okay cool!" I said trying to stay calm. 

"Here." He handed it to me. 

I opened it up, and suddenly I started to cry.

It was my hat. And it had a coin in it.

Dirk started shuffling his feet. "Y/N, I'm sorry. When I left town, I realized how much I missed you. I missed everything about you. All those afternoons you'd come over to my older brother with me. Annette and I broke up a couple months after you left because she felt like I didn't give her enough attention. Of course I was mad at first, but I spent time away letting myself focus on work. Every day I was in so much pain, thinking I had lost you forever. I truly love you, and I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life.  The last four years were rough. I had no one to talk to.When a new delivery position opened up, I knew I took it. For some reason, as I was entering Konohana I felt like I needed to visit the tea house. I saw you at the counter and I was so happy, yet angry. I was so mad that you had left me...wait no. I was mad that I let you get away. I was ashamed and didn't want you to recognize me. That's why I never let you know who I was. I came with your hat to ask for your forgiveness. I'm glad I brought your hat when I moved, it was something I couldn't leave behind. I'm just so sorry this sounds like I'm a creep but I swear-" 

I seriously jumped into his arms. My head rested on his shoulder. "It's okay.." I said smiling, remembering the good days, hoping we'd re-live them.

And then, he lifted my chin, and kissed me.

"I love you Dirk." I said.

"I love you too, Y/N."

Hope you enjoyed!

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