Trapped Cinderella

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               When I woke up, I noticed that I'm tied. I looked around and I noticed that I'm in some dark room. I don't know If it's day or night. All I remember was falling asleep because that bastard Michio put me sleeping pills in the food. Then the door opened and I saw him. He was standing in front of me and said:

- Aw you're awake, Cinderella.

I tried to talk, but my mouth is covered. He put down the cover and I yelled:


He rolled his eyes saying:

- No one will hear you here, y/n. You're mine~

I asked:

- What have you done to me? Did you... Raped me?

He smirk answering:

- Maybe~ But the important thing is that the Sakaki's wont find you ever again.~ You're mine~

I cried a lot yelling:


He smirk evil patting my head. I already miss the boys. Why I did this? I bet they're worried about me too...

~ meanwhile ~

- No, I'm calling the police, Yuto. - Yuya said worried.

Yuto tried to calm down Yuya saying:

- Yuya, I know but maybe she's with friends...

Yuri said:

- Remember, she doesn't have friends, Yuto.

Yuto said:

- You're right...

Yugo said:

- You think Rin or Sara are involved here?

Zarc said:

- No, I took care of them and they wont touch y/n ever again.

Yuya said:

- Still, I'm calling the police. 

Yuya dialed 911. The woman answered:

- 911, what are your emergency?

Yuya said:

- Um, my manager, y/n y/sn went missing since last night. We don't know where is she. Please help us.

The woman said:

- Calm down sir and tell me the story.

Yuya explained to the woman everything. She nods saying:

- Okay, sir the police will do everything to find y/sn-san.

Yuya said:

- Thanks miss.

Then he end the call. Yuto said:

- We wont sit and wait here.

Zarc said:

- We'll go and search for her.

Yuri said:

- And I know who might be the culprit too.

All asked unison:

- WHO?

Yuri answered:

- That bastard cook.

Zarc asked:

- You think he kidnapped our y/n?

Yuri answered:

- I don't know, but he got eyes on her too.

Yuto said:

- Then what are we waiting for! Let's bring our y/n home.

They all nodded and left their house to find their manager, y/n.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

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