We're Helping YOU! (chapter three)

Start from the beginning

We drove by Milkshake city. “AHHH!!! MILKSHAKE CITY!!!!!” I screamed and pushed my face against the window. “HEY! Stop the freaking car! I need a Milkshake!” I said and started to open the door. Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall took me from the Door in one swoop. “DON'T!” they screamed. “Stop the damn car then” I said. “Okay okay” Curly said and turned to the driver. “Can you turn and stop by Milkshake City?” he asked. The driver turned. I started to jump up and down. “YEY! YEY YEY” I whispered. “Liam she scares me” Lou said and practically sat in Liam's lap. I laughed evilly. “What's wrong Braces-boy” I asked and stretched to Lou. He laughed. The car stopped. “Ihh ohhh ahhh” I mumbled when I walked to Milkshake City. I herd Louis mumble something about me being weird.

I came inside and some of the girls there dropped their mugs and screamed. I looked around and wondered if I had missed something. I shrugged and walked to the service lady. “Hey! Can I have a milkshake?” I asked. “What Milkshake do you want?” she asked with a smile. “I want a strawberry milkshake” I said and started to jump up and down when she did the milkshake. She gave it to me and I turned.

It was like on the airport. The girls was everywhere. “HEY!” I screamed. It became quiet. “Now! Please! I want to drink this Milkshake and enjoy it so please sit down and you can talk to the boy okay? But please do it quietly!” I said and sat down.

Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam and curly burst out laughing when they saw that the girls actually did as I said. I drank the milkshake a little to fast and got brain-freeze. “AHHH!!! IT HURT'S!” I screamed and dunked my head against the table. Niall raised his head and looked at me worriedly. He stood up without looking at the girl he was talking to and walked over to me.

“Emma are you okay?” he asked with his Irish ascent. “Oh my young leprechaun do I look okay?” I asked and took my hand out in the air. He laughed and sat down next to me. The girls came and sat down beside him and started to talk about some concert or something. “You actually don't look that well” he played along. “Well after being kidnapped, being dissed by a Pigeon, this day can't get any worse and now this! God must hate me” I said and kept dunk my head against the table. “For the last time WE ARE NOT KIDNAPPING YOU!” Liam screamed from the other side of the room. I just laughed. “Not giving up!!! I don't want to die!!” I screamed back.

“You are kidnapped?” one girl beside me asked. “Yes, yes I am, can you rescue me?” I asked her. The girl had red hair. OH! Red hair, I like red hair! I touched it. I felt like silk. Red I like the colour red... “Why did you? Ah never mind, who kidnaps you?” she asked. “Them” I said with small eyes. She laughed. “Sure babe! One D is kidnapping you” she laughs. God I'm never going to get rescued. “No! Really they are kidnapping me! Help me!” I said. Niall laughed and moved closer to me. He took his arms around my axes. “She is with us but no we don't kidnap her, promise” He said and the girls giggle.

HA! How could they believe him! My eyes got smaller. I got up and walked out from the store. “Emma” Niall said. “What ever I want to go home” I said and jumped into the van. He jumped in after me. “They'll be here in a minute” he said and sat down beside me. I poked him. “Why do you poke me all the time?” he asked. I laughed. “Because you have pokeble cheeks” I said with a grin. He rolled his eyes. He poked my cheek. “You have that to you know?” he said with a slow voice. I got shills running down my spine.

WHAT'S HAPPENING! I shook my head and looked down at the floor. I turned to the window and started to take the window up and down. Zayn, Liam, Louis and Curly came inside the van. “Hey! Guy's oh thanks for that!” I said and took Zayn's Milkshake he was about to protest but saw my eyes and looked down at the floor. I laughed amused. The van took of.

Laughing and drinking Milkshake isn't good. I started to caught. “Some people god punish at the time it happing” Zayn said and laughed. I looked at the mug. “onnnneee Ddddd” I read. “Isn't that you?” I asked. “Yes we have our own milkshake!” Louis burst out. “Coooolll sometimes I forgot you are famous” I said and started to drink again. “You have only known us for... Four hours!?” Liam said. I shrugged. “I didn't know you were famous then ether!” I pointed out. He smacked his forehead. “What did you forgot? You're purs?” I asked. The boy's laughed. “No! I didn't forget my purs it's right here!” Liam said and took a rectangular bag. I swallowed then laughed. “I was Ironic!!” I laughed.

“ Are we there yet” I asked. “Nooo” Curly said. I wonder how their house look like... maybe they have a pool. I love pools. AH! I forgot! MY CAT! “We need to go and get my cat!!” I screamed. “PUSSY!!!!” Curly screamed. “Weird, but really I need my cat!” I said. “But you were going on a vacation right? Then the cat must be with someone? Right?” Liam said. “Oh! Yeah now I remember!” I said and smiled and started to play with Curly's hair. “Why, eh never mind” Curly said and let out a sight. “Oh are we there yet?” I asked and dropped my hands from Curly's hair. “We actually is” Liam said and opened the door. I threw myself out of the van and crashed on the street. I stood up fast. “I'm okay, I'm Okay!” I said and brushed dust from my jeans. Liam rolled his eyes and walked inside the building.

“Okay with who are you going to spend the night with?” Liam asked when all of us was inside. “WHAT! No, No way! I'm not a slut! Not going to have sex with you sorry!” I said and shook my head. They guy's laughed. “No we mean we live in separate apartments so you choose between Us or one of us” Liam said and pointed to braces-boy and Curly. I tapped on my forehead. “Hm... I think I choose... you” I said.

A/N what do you think? she's crazy isn't she?





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