Drunk on words

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A timeless feeling, as you float Whilst sitting down.
The way each word has a different Meaning to it,
Each syllable has a different Feeling to it.

A fortress of peace,
Serenity and solitude.
A haven of beauty,
Describeable by its'
Appearance itself.

As every emotion leaves
My deepest thoughts,
And makes its way to the
Tip of my pen, then to the
Top of my paper.

A sensation of tranquility
Takes over every bone
And every muscle in my body.

A story, created, with
Only a few words jumbled together.

Oh, so it seems,
It's more than that I tell you.

Its a lifetime, written in
A single sentence,
A single verse,
A single stanza,
A single paragrph.

Its a dream created by
A lifetime of experiences.
A wisdom, earned from
The will to learn.
A confidence gained from
The need to dream.

A fierce statement
Created by a fierce heart.
A fierce understatement,
Of hope when hope hides

The mere thought, of
Creating my own world.
The mere thought, of
Creating my own

As I write each word
I feel,
I feel,
I feel,
I feel,

And then I feel some
I am whisked away into
A land no one knows of.
I am rescued, by a true

A land, I created,
A hero I become.


As soon as I drop my pen,
As soon as I stop writing,
Reality kicks in.
Then the real world becomes a solid Entity

Then I realise the saddest realisation
Of all.
My head starts to pound,
And I can't get out of bed,
I won't get out of bed again.

It suddenly becomes clear to me,
None of it was real.
A world created by me?
What a wild imagination I have.

I put two and two together,
And then I realise,
I had only been,

Drunk on words again.


(A/n: My second poem. This is to show my love of writing I guess.

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