Chapter eighteen

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Chapter eighteen

The moment my eyes opened I ran to the bathroom, dropping to my knees in front of the toilet, dry-heaving until my stomach cramped and gave up on trying to empty its contents. With my hand over my stomach I pressed my back against the sink, regaining my breath. Then I quietly left the bathroom. After slipping on a yellow sundress I rested in a lounge chair by the pool. I hadn't seen Bruno on the way here. He was probably getting ready for his gig tonight, then after would be our reservation.

The sky was a dark blue, the sun almost gone but not quite. The outside, integrated lights lodged in the underside of the roof cast light on the area, and across the pool in the distance, the hills were black.

I blew out a sigh, pulling my knees against my chest, closing my eyes.

Days pass by quickly when you're asleep through most of it, and I slept whenever given the chance. I often forced myself to tire. Bruno had an unused treadmill. My lungs would burn and my legs would stiffen with soreness; I would take a pill then collapse onto the bed, even though the sun shone through the windows. When I woke I would have glimpses of hallucinations, little shots from the corners of my eyes, which became more frequent, and I less concerned. It wasn't frightening, I had grown used to the side effect. At least, that's what I tell myself.

“Someone call the cops. Sleeping beauty is awake.”

I opened my eyes to Bruno walking towards me. He wasn't dressed either, with his T-shirt and khaki shorts. I smiled weakly. “I don't remember you kissing me.”

“How insulting.” He sat next to me. Lately there had been an edge to his easiness, I was aware of it. Whenever I talked to him, it seemed like there was something else or more that he wanted to say or ask. But he never did. I never exhorted him to, either.

I scooted over. He thought I made room for him to lay down, because he did, his legs over the side of the chair.

I dragged my eyes to the hills, nodding my head slightly towards them. “Ever been there?”

Bruno followed my gaze. “No. Those are where the secluded live. They don't wanna be bothered.”

“You mean stuck-ups?”

“Thought I'd give them a nicer name,” he said, making me laugh. “You wanna go there? You like looking at them.”

I raised my eyebrows. “You've noticed?”

He touched my eyes with his. “Yes,” he said.

My phone vibrated. I looked away and answered the unknown number. “Hello?”

“Hi, Adrian. Long time no talk, huh?”

I recognized the voice. “Hey,” I greeted back, hearing how strange my voice sounded and wished it hadn't came out that way. From my peripheral, Bruno looked at me with his head tilted.

“Do you know who this is?”

“Of course I know.” I gave an off-sounding laugh. I told myself to stop being ridiculous and say his name. “RJ.” I didn't mean for it to come out so quietly. Bruno's eyes kept a constant gaze, his body relaxed.

“What? I can barely hear you.”

“RJ,” I said, louder this time. “I'm busy right now and—”

“Wait!” he said. “I'm sorry I haven't called, my mom's been holding me up. I've missed you—” I winced. He spoke too loud. I knew Bruno could hear and didn't want him to get a wrong impression. I fidgeted with the volume but instead hit the speaker button. “summer, and I would like to see you again soon—” RJ was saying before I gave up and pressed End.

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