Chapter nine

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chapter nine

Just two minutes later, my friends arrived. They acted completely normal, as if last night never happened. Either that, or Michelle had too much to drink and forgot the whole ordeal. She spoke to me first. “My dad arranged for us to have breakfast here.”

“Oh, nice.” I swished the cup of coffee Brook had handed to me. “Will he be there?”

“No,” she replied sharply and looked away. I studied her for a moment, wondering if that was towards her parents or me.

As we took the elevator to the lobby, I resisted the urge to ask what happened last night. My mind was intent on knowing.

The dining room was large and crowded, people seated at booths and tables. Waiters in black and white buzzed everywhere. Somewhere, jazz music played, the loud chatter drowned the blusey tunes. Michelle guided us pass this and to a door that led to a more quiet and serene area outside. A bored-looking man was standing behind a podium. His eyes lifted to us when we neared. “Name?”

“Hosein,” Michelle told him.

His finger trailed down a list. He nodded. “Take any available table.”

The tables were circular and covered with white fabric, set on bright green grass. We chose one next to an oak tree that provided shade from the feverent sun. That was probably why the inside was so full, no one wanted to smother in the heat. After we ordered, I decided this was a good time. “Michelle?”

She sighed heavily, swiping her black bangs from her eyes in pretend agitation. She already knew. “Go ahead.”

“I was panicky; not thinking straight. I'm sorry, I hadn't meant it.” I wondered if this was all my life was going to be composed of: hurricanes started by me and apologizing for it. Then the next harsh, Adrian-caused wind comes, the cycle starting over, becoming perpetual.

Brook glanced between us questioningly. Her brown hair was let down from her usual bun and touched the tip of her shoulders, blowing faintly in the wind. “What's going on?”

“I got called a bitch last night.” Michelle smirked. “After I was done being angry, I actually felt proud, Hayes. I didn't know you had it in you.”

Brook spluttered, “Adrian? Our Adrian called you that?”

Michelle nodded, frowning. “She kind of had a right to.” This, I noticed, was a Michelle apology. Not straightforward but there, hidden in the shadows of her words. I smiled at her and gratefully she returned it. 

“Why would she call you that?” 

“I was worried about you and she wasn't,” I let Brook know. “Because you went with Woodrow.”

Her gaze fell. “We didn't do anything.”

Michelle pointed her finger accusingly. “Liar.”

“Fine,” Brook groaned, slumping her shoulders. “we did. How am I going to tell Trey?” She referred to her boyfriend as our waiter returned with our breakfast. I gave Brook my sympathy while Michelle raised her eyebrows. “Of all things, you think that's important? How the hell was it?”

I laughed, even Brook had to, and the mood lightened. I learned that Michelle's goal was accomplished: she went home with someone, it was great, and this morning she was dropped off in the hotel's parking lot so she could pick up Brook in the Tank who was stranded with the better-than-Trey-at-sex Woodrow. I laughed dutifully at their stories, feeling a little left out.

“Aren't you devastated?” I pointed my fork at Brook. “You cheated.”

She shrugged. “My relationship with Trey isn't serious—” Her voice dimmed as she turned rigid, eyes widening. I followed her gaze and my heart nearly stopped. Bruno was walking towards a table with two guys flanking his sides. One I recognized as Phil but the other I did not know. He was tall and tan, muscled arms peeking from a sleeveless top. His long, black hair was in plaits. Dre followed behind silently. 

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