A kingdom's strongest

Start from the beginning

"Whatcha doin there sweety." I said with a slight accent, you could easily tell were I came from if you listened carefully. I even talked with a slight lisp, you can never be to careful.


"Kitty gotcha tongue there sugar."

"Ugh, who are you?"

"Names list, nice ta meet cha."

"Hmm, you don't happen to know a girl named Jayla do you?"

"Whose askin?"


I smiled and rushed him, he jumped back but I already had him in my grasps. I squeezed him tighter then let go.

"Where's elide?"

"Okay first off why did you hug me, second off how do you know elide?" He had started yelling and had woken Gildarts.

"What the hell is going on."

"I found who we were looking for." I told him.

"And who might that be?" Haden asked.

"You and elide, do you seriously not remember me?" He looked at me tilting his head.

"Really? Come on Haden it's me Jayla."

"Sorry, if your looking for them you'll have to go to the guild. We were told in an emergency to use their names."

I must have looked disappointed because he looked down at the ground. I hadn't noticed before but he didn't smell like dragon. That's the smell elide and Haden have.

"Well take us to them then we really need to speak with them."

"O-oh okay let's go, it's not to far from here only a few miles."

We walked about a mile before I put the stuff back into my flame storage, as I called it do to the fact that I had to use my fire to use it, I didn't want to scare the poor guy.

After a few hours we showed up at a small cabin. Gildarts raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything, when my friends were involved anything was possible. He came to the door and knocked in a rhythm. A secret knock...great idea guys...they weren't the brightest crayons in the box. In fact I do believe they were the black and brown crayons in said box. 

"Elide, Haden, these two need to speak to you" he yelled. It was quite large on the inside, however I wasn't surprised. This kind of thing was normal with them. Their house back in Draco looked hard to fit one person on th outside but the inside was massive. It was the same here. I looked toward the front to see two cloaked figures.

"Why did you tell them our names?" The right one said.

"They already knew them ma'am."

"Huh, who pray tell are you then. If you know our names already." The left said.

I closed my eyes taking away the glamour. I smiled a toothy smile, opening my eyes. They both rose, their cloaks falling to their feet. Their eyes were wide, I just smiled and smiled.

"Well are you to just going to stand there and gawk. Or will you come choke me to death."

"Choke." They said in unison whilst running toward me. When they got to me we had a group hug. All of us smiling widely. They explained that they would have came looking for me but they had thought I was dead. I said some what the same thing. They also said they had made this as a safe place for kids, but they had to steal to be able to help them. I just shook my head and looked around the room. The guy that had showed me and Gildarts the way was the oldest one. He said that he could take care of the kids but I shook my head again. I went outside and talked to elide, Haden, and gilly.

"Being as they are kids they won't get into trouble, you two will." 

"Take us prisoner, with the ties we have here you can. Remember, we were all here when we did it, even Jenna and dodge." Elide said.

"She has a point." The always agrees with his girlfriend, Haden reasoned.

"Oh that's right I forgot about that." I replied.

"Well let's tell Colton, he'll be taking care of the kids." Gildarts said.

We went back inside and explained what was going to happen. Colton seemed kinda thrilled to be a kind of leader, atleast until they were found places to be. We ended up staying there since it was so late. Luckily I had someone to talk to now. 

We got up early in the morning and headed back to blue Pegasus guild hall and told them about the kids and the idea we had for them. They thought it would work for a few but there might still be some. I suggested that they find other guilds to take them in and train. We left for fairytail afterwards. Elide and Haden were already put inside the capture bottles. We came across a small town just before dark and stayed there. The two of them decided to stay inside of the bottles just in case someone came in. 

We woke the next morning and 'packed' up. We were walking down the street when...

"Jayla?" I turned my head. My eyes widened.


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