Fight or flight

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“Common sense and a sense of humour are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humour is just common sense, dancing.”

Spot was walking through the streets of Brooklyn near the docks. Since the start of the strike there was not much to do – though most of the boys managed to make the most of their free time since they did not have it often.  Spot, on the other hand, hated being bored and having nothing to do. In the evenings he made his customary trip down to Mr. Peterson’s bookshop but in the mornings he had not much to do other than intermittently give orders and exchange occasional words with some of the boys.

Spot thoughts were on Freddie and the strike. He was glad that he had joined the strike because other than defending his rights and showing Pulitzer that he did not own the world there was a small chance he would get to see Freddie again. Spot had considered consulting someone about his feelings for Freddie, but then decided otherwise for various reasons. Spot was not sure with whom he could talk to. He was very mistrusting and did not have enough confidence in any of his friends to not spread the story about, even if it was by accident. Even if Spot did have a friend he could trust,                                            Spot was not entirely comfortable with sharing his feelings. He thought it insulted his masculinity.

As Spot was walking aimlessly through the streets he was stopped by the sudden sound of shouting. He turned and saw Rats running towards him.

“Three boys are coming over here!” Rats shouted running as fast as his short legs could carry him. “They look like they mean business, too.”

“How do you know they are coming to meet us?”

“Because they are heading towards the docks and I am pretty sure I recognize one of them as Agatha’s brother; and you know what has happened with Agatha and Yella.”

“I do, but how do you?” Asked Spot wandering if Yella had confined in Rats. That seemed like a highly unlikely situation since Rats and Yella did not get on that well. Spot sensed that something else was going on.

“Walls have ears.” Said Rats with an iniquitous smile plastered on his face.

“Do not tell anyone.” Spot ordered. He knew that Rats had probably not said anything yet because he would be enjoying the feeling of having one up on Yella.

“Of course not, Captain.” Said Rats with a knowing smirk. He knew that even if he could not tell anyone he could still play mind games with Yella and make him think that he could let it slip out.

“Go and get Birdie, Legs and Wild and tell them to be ready for a fight. Then send Hermes to find Yella and warn him. This could mean trouble.” Said Spot running to the docks that were, luckily, near. He passed many boys on the way but stopped to acknowledge none.

When Spot finally reached the docks he climbed onto his makeshift throne and surveyed the area. He could see three figures in the distant. They looked tall and were taking long strides. Spot could mentally see their rage seeping off of them. He may have been imagining it yet it seemed real to hm.

“What have you done, Yella you Muppet?” Wondered Spot out loud shaking his head.

He watched them until they were close enough for him to make out their facial features. Spot quietly climbed down the throne and stood in front of the three boy’s faces. Other boy’s had noticed something was going on and were making their way over to get a closer look, and to be ready just in case they had to protect their land and leader.

“What do you want?” Asked Spot injecting just enough venom into his voice to sound threatening. The three boys did not look impressed. They narrowed their eyes and started to make subtle yet threatening movements towards Spot. Even though they were all a lot taller than him they had heard of Spot’s reputation and decided that angering him was not a good thing.

More than meets the eye (A Spot Conlon, Newsies fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now