Dior 2

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(Eric's Grandmother in MM)


I walked in the house and seen my grandma fussing at my lil sister Ebony. She was rolling her eyes telling my grandma to chill out, thats when I had to step in because I told her about that attitude shit she be having and the talking back.
"naww you chill out. Why you constantly getting on her nerves?" I asked her sitting next to her on the living room couch.

"I don't even be doing nun, my teacher called talking about i'm disrupting the class with my talking and granny wanna go all up the wall doing to fucking much."

"she doing too much because this not the  first time one of yo teachers called home for you, ion know what the hell is going on in yo head but you need to tighten up and get it together and stop running around following behind Kayla fast ass." she smacked her lips and got up.

"I don't follow Kayla, she follows me." she said going upstairs. I shook my head going to the kitchen.

She always been a problem child, I can't say it happened after our mother passed because she was only 2 and I was 5. My mother died in a car crash and our grandmother had to take us in after everything went down.

So, yea we been staying with my grandmother and still staying with her, I plan on finding me a place of my own when I graduate

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So, yea we been staying with my grandmother and still staying with her, I plan on finding me a place of my own when I graduate.

"grandma what you cooking?" I asked standing over her short self looking over her shoulder.

"some porkchops with mashed potatoes and corn." she said seasoning the porkchops

"hurry up then woman." she giggled and pushed me back.

"grandma you need to send Ebony to that boarding school for a year because ion think she go ever get it together."

"uh,uh i'm not sending my baby to that boarding school."

"how you not go send her but you sent me?"

"and that was a waste of fucking money because yo ass was still acting up."

"grandma I toned down a bit, a lot actually, I'm just getting older and wanna do me." I said smirking and shrugging.
she turned around and mugged me before going back to cooking.
"yea you can do you alright, right on the curve because that's where the hell you going if I keep hearing you and that nappy head lil girl in that room doing the nasty"

"mann grandma gone with that." I got up and went back to the living room laying down

My grandma said she doesn't mind if I have sex, just use protection and she said she really don't wanna be hearing all that, shidd it ain't me making the noise lol.

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