Spencer found himself snapping back to face Rossi. The older agent smiled and shook his head before nodding to you dismissively, leaving Spencer with you. Letting out a breath Spencer turned to see you resting your head in your hands, your breathing shallow. It must hurt to breathe.

Carefully, Spencer made his way over to you and knelt down next to you, placing a hand on your good knee. "You're supposed to kick their butt, not the other way around."

You lifted your head and let out a weak laugh. "I seem to remember that it's my job to scold you and not the other way around."

Spencer smiled. "I'm glad you're alright. You are ok, right?" He looked you up and down not missing the blush that so nicely brightened your face.

You shook your head and smiled. "It will take time to heal but I'm alright. Truly."

Satisfied with your answer, Spencer stood, looking around the small town Sheriff's office. It was tight, cold and not somewhere you should be as injured as you were. He heard a scrape of a chair and a light touch on his arm. He turned to you and quickly took you into his arms as you swayed.

"So, Reid, you silently judging my workplace as carefully as you have been starring at me?"

Spencer was shocked for the third time that day. "I wasn't starring. I was, remembering."

You raised a brow as you welcomed his warmth and support as he walked you out of the office. "Oh? And what, pray tell, grabbed the attention of the all smart Spencer Reid?"

Spencer chuckled nervously, looking around as he helped out of the building and across the street to your close home. "What would you say if I said it was you?"

You nearly stumbled, but he held you firmly. You shook your head and swallowed down your lump of surprise in your throat. "I would tell you that I need to rethink my appearance if I distract you from gore, death, and sorrow."

You both chuckled but it was tight, almost unsure. Soon the two of you found yourselves at your place. You weren't surprised he knew where you lived but you weren't exactly ready for any visitors. But without a word Spencer helped you into your room where you changed into something more comfortable.

It wasn't long until the two of you were in your living room, drinking hot cocoa on your couch, watching your little fireplace sputter with flames. Spencer leaned an arm on the back of the couch, facing you, his head bowed a bit as he looked at a few books in his hands.

You looked at him over the rim of your cup, a smile pulling at your lips. "What's going on on your side of the coin?"

Spencer glanced over at you and your heart stopped. His eyes gathered you up and you suddenly found no need for your throw blanket over your legs. He gave you the barest of smiles then turned back to his books before he told you about himself since the day he moved from your home town. You found yourself wishing to be closer, but your leg pained you too much.

Time was non-existent. You both laughed, cried, joked around, and sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company. But you were growing tired and even after three cups of hot cocoa you were nowhere near a sugar high. You closed your eyes and rested your head on the back of the couch as you faced Spencer on the other end.

Spencer couldn't help himself. He starred. You looked nothing the same yet exactly the same all at the smake time. You made is brain hurt. And his heart. He had always liked you when he was younger but closed that away once he joined the BAU. Now, with you sitting so close to him, his heart was beating wildly as his eyes staied glued on you.

You were beautiful, sweet, kind, smart, and a totall bad ass for becoming the Shariff of a town. Yet it hurt him beyond beleif that you were hurt. He continued to satre as thought of ways to keep you safe. But only one idea made sence and stuck with him.

As he was thinking he didn't notice your eyes were open and a smirk was pulling at your lips. "You're starring again," you whispered.

Spencer blinked, looked down and frowned. "Nope. No I wasn't."

You shifted and sighed. "Do you think, had we stayied close and in contact, things would be differet?"

Spencer nodded. "Definitlly, you wouldn't be injured and I wouldn't be sitting here as a friend watching a freind."

Your eyes widened at his repsonce at the shade of pink that peppered his cheeks and ears. WIth his shorter hair you found you really liked the shape of his face and the way his hair sometimes fell into his eyes. You let out a breath and lookea round, chuckling sadly.

"Well, here's to "what if" . " You raised the last bit of your hot cooca and drank it all before strying to stand. But you wavered, your injured leg buckling making you fall.

But spencer was quicker. He scooped you up as best he could and carreid you to your room. Gently he placed you on your bed as you glared up at him.

"Always the gentleman I see. "

"Always the sassy princess I see."

You both smiled but Spencer didn't leave. Instead he sat at the edge of your bed and leaned down a bit, his eyes searchinig youres adamently.

"(Y/n). What if it's not all a "what if". What if it could still happen?"

YOu scoffed. "Too late Spence, I already got hurt and you live five states away from me."

"There are such things as cars, trains, and plains." He was leaning a bit closer now.

Your eyes never left his as you tried to make sense of his words. "Yes but I have a job and you have a job and there is a killer out there. Not to mention I'm fatally wounded...." Your humor was lost on him. Instead he continued to stare. You squint your eyes. "You're doing it again."

But instead if shaking his head and backing up Spencee smiled and then winked. Winked!

"I don't suppose you think me sorry," he whispered before he closed the distance and gingerly placed his lips on yours.

It was sweet, quick, but loving. He stood, leaving you to bink and wonder if it was all a dream.

"(Y/n), I don't see how we can't kick butt together." He reached over and covered you with your blanket and then turned off the light. "Call for me if you need anything."

You snorted, your sarcasm being your only form of communication at the moment. "Thanks, Mother Reid."

Spencer smiled and turned to go but he stood at the door looking at you just long enough to make you blush before he gave you a sweet smile and closed the door behind him.

Dr. Spencer Reid Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now