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Dear reader,

I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this, and why I've made myself anonymous but it just kind of appeals to me right now. I hope you don't mind, and if you do, I'm sorry. I won't be offended if you leave.

You can't know anything about me at the moment, but my name is Gee. Like Gerard Way, but I'll try not to let my fan life get into this because that's not what this is for.

I think I'm writing this in the hopes that someone will stumble upon it and think it's somewhat intriguing. They might share it and so on, so forth.

Maybe it'll be popular someday.

But maybe that just happens in the movies.

Anyways. Some things about me:

• I don't care what gender you see me as, because I am still confused about that.

• I am a sociopath

• I have another account here, but it is not very popular and that is okay. I don't expect it to be.

• This book was inspired by The Perks of Being A Wallflower and you should read it if you get a chance.

• Pete Wentz means a lot to me, and not because of looks or anything, but because of who he is.

• There are a lot of things wrong with me, but I don't know what they are, and it scares me. I should probably go back to therapy but I haven't had the chance. I think I'm doing okay right now.

• 4dd1c7W1th4P3n means AddictWithAPen in case you didn't catch that.

• I am sad and happy and I am still trying to figure out how that is so.

• Asleep by The Smiths means a lot to me.

• Summer Song by Fall Out Boy means a lot to me, too.

• I want to die and I want to live and I am also trying to figure out how that is so.

• I am impulsive.

• I want to make the most of what I have while I still have it.

• Gerard Way also means a lot to me.

• I have low self-esteem and I do not like the way I look, but that's okay. I'm working on it.

• I am stuck in a constant existential crisis.

• Save me.


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