Chapter 48

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Tulips and Tears

  "'s too early, stop come on, aren't you tired?" as I rolled him off me and he kissed my neck.
"Nope..I couldn't sleep, I just watched you." Just then the baby monitor...Maddy was up babbling and laughing down the hall.
"Oh my god, what time is it?" As I rolled over my clock said 7:00.
"I'll get her, I've missed her." Zak got up and put his pj pants on, brushed his teeth, and headed down the hall to our baby girl..I just laid there and closed my eyes again, thinking to myself...what did I do last night? I heard him over the monitor talking to Maddy.
"Good morning princess, I've missed your sweet, messy, morning head...let's go get mommy up" A few minutes later I felt someone tapping my forehead, I opened my eyes to see Maddy in bed with us.
"Well, I see letting me sleep and get rid of my vodka headache isn't going to happen...Morning Missy." As I kissed her little hand and nibbled her fingers lightly.. she giggled. She was always as a morning baby..and loved when I tickled her feet, and kissed her tummy.
"It's a beautiful morning with my beautiful girls..let's take Maddy somewhere today." as he laid next to me, and Maddy crawled up between us..
Zak just looked on and smiled, he was happy, but could tell I was hesitant with him..It had been a rough couple of weeks, and he still wasn't sure what my thoughts were...just then my phone beeped. I was so engrossed in playing with Maddy I had no clue, but Zak heard it.
"Was that my phone?"
"Uh, no it was mine...I gotta take this. It was a text:


Zak was pissed, there was no way he was letting this text be seen, he walked into the hallway, rubbed his forehead and deleted it.
"That son of a bitch...and calling her Maddy?" he said under his breath.
  I headed downstairs with my sweet girl to get her some breakfast..and dad was already gone..early golf game at the club...Cheryl was seated at the table.
"Good morning.." she said
I walked passed her and went to the kitchen to get Maddy a sip cup with her milk..just then Cheryl walked in.
"Well there's Maddy-Moo, come here I got you some bananas and pancakes all ready sweetness.." as Rosie took her from me and headed back to the dining room..Rosie had gone back to work for Dad and Cheryl after I moved to Vegas permanently.
"Well I guess you are mad at me." Cheryl was a bit short and then crossed her arms.
"Yeah I had no right."
"You can be mad all you want, but I know you love Zak and want what's best for your'll get over it and you will both work through this."
I started to chuckle in a very smart ass way.."Just because he stayed here last night, doesn't mean anything.." I snapped back.
"Do you mean to say you might still go through with this divorce?"
"Maybe...a night of great sex is one thing, but commitment and honesty are something else Cheryl." and I stormed passed her.
Reaching the living room I was headed back upstairs and Johnny, my Dad's assistant, stoped me.
"Miss M were delivered early this morning for you and Madeleine." as he pointed toward the mantel. Heading toward the tulips, which were my favorite, I slowly looked around to make sure no one was behind me, as I opened the card it read:

"Good Morning Beautiful ladies..just wanted to shower you both"

just     wanted to shower you both"  Leo

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     Leo wasn't playing fair...he was good at this game...almost like he knew Zak was here and would see this..
I took the card and handed it to Johnny..he was busy in the study going through some things for Dad..." Johnny, here get rid of the card, don't mention the flowers, anyone!"
"Yes mam, not a problem" as he took the card.
    I couldn't handle that shit this early, or the rage on Zak's face if he saw them. I had a lot of thinking to do, with no caffeine in my system yet. I had gone out with my ex, drank, then came home to find my husband, and partook in a night of sex...GREAT sex...but still, I was hurt. Hurt that Zak had gone behind my back, financially supported another woman, kissed her, now she was gone, I can't be mad at someone that has passed, it was all too much..I rounded the corner and just stood looking at Maddy eating her breakfast.
   Just then I felt a hand on my waist...and I knew who it I turned, there stood Zak with coffee in hand for me, and a smile on his face...I smiled back and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks" as I took my cup and walked back to the living room to sit down.
"Let's take Maddy to the park, just the three of us..what do you say?" Zak was so handsome in the morning, always with his sleepy eyes before he put his glasses on. I loved this part of the day with him.
"I don't know"
"What's wrong?" As he sat next to me and pushed my hair behind my ears.
"Nothing..just.. (I took a deep breath) I want you to take Maddy to Vegas for a while..back home, you two need time, and I'm sure Nancy wants to see her...I'll make arrangements with my attorney, and then we'll talk." it came I didn't even realize I said it.
"Are you kidding me right now?" he leaned back away from me.
"No, I think for right now it's best this way...I'll come get her at the end of the week."
"I don't understand any of this...last night was amazing, I thought.."
"I had alcohol, and you were quite charming, as always...but it doesn't change the fact that you went behind my back, financially supported another woman, kissed her, and then..well, I'm no better am I?" I just shook my head and walked over to the mantel, looking at my tulips.
"We have to stay a family, I'm not doing this to her. She needs us both, we can't parent in two different states it doesn't work that way...besides, I need you, and you need me."
"I grew up between Texas and can be done."
"No, no fucking way, if you didn't love me anymore I'd understand, but you do, and I'm sorry for what happened, I can't go back and change time Mans, neither can you, we've both made mistakes, but...why do you keep staring at these tulips?" Zak was anything but naive..he was like me, very in tune with change, people's emotions, and he was very observant. It's one of the reasons we clicked so well from the start.
"Where did these flowers come from? They weren't here last night...I know, I sat here forever waiting on you.."
I took another deep breath, turned to him and just gave him a guilty look.
"Really? Huh...he doesn't waste time at all, does he?...getting you half drunk, flowers and texts"
"Texts?" as I looked at Zak "It was my phone this took it...what makes you think?" I slammed my cup down and headed upstairs, Zak was right behind me and as I reached the bedroom I grabbed my phone...
"Where is it?"
"I deleted it...ok!"
"Oh my god, Zak!
"He needs to back off! I'm not having him anywhere near Maddy or you..he's lucky I haven't slammed his ass yet!"
"That's not your business anymore Zak!
"YES IT IS! YOU ARE MY WIFE AND MADDY IS MY DAUGHTER! Not the other way around..look what he did last night Mandy!!!He pushed alcohol in your face...he knew you'd been sober for three years...I'm not going to have Maddy put you in the ground like you did your mother!"
In that moment I broke down, grabbed my stomach and just slid down the side of the bed to the floor crying and in complete heartache...Zak knelt down and was crying himself, he just held me.
"I can't picture that...I'm sorry I said it that way, but it's all I thought you'd hear. You and Madeline are my world, I can't breathe or function without either one of you..I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you both..please, I don't want to lose please come home....."
   His words spoke volumes..

Kindred Souls ( A Zak Bagans friendship/love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu