"Y-you don't l-love me anym-more?I-I thought-"

"You thought what?"His voice came back harsh and cold. You could feel that wave of ice cold breath through that spit of words. My eyes were brimming with tears.

"I thought you had a heart...."I mumbled. Logan and Patton got up out of their chairs. Princey stopped in his tracks. Still with his back turned to me.

"What was that, Sunshine?"He used an old nickname. He was angry. I smirked.

"A petty little prince doesn't have a h-heart after all. You were supposed to forgive me. This was never my fault. You don't understand what I go throu-"

"WELL MAYBE I DO ANXIETY!!MAYBE I UNDERSTAND WHAT BOTTLING UP YOUR FEELINGS IS LIKE!MAYBE YOU SHOULD TRY SEEING WHAT WE ALL GO THROUGH TOO!!!IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!"Every word hit hard as a brick. I just got the gloves, but I almost considered trying to choke him with my bare fists.

     I just walked to my room without a word. I locked the door and laid on my bed. My mind was spinning and the room started turning dark.

A panic attack.

Logan PoV-

     I didn't like this. Anxiety hated yelling. Especially directed at him. There was no need for all of that, but it wasn't Princey's fault.

     He was under control by a wave of Negativity. This was very rare and it happened to come just as Anxiety was starting to feel better. Negativity is this minor trait that only can effect Princey or Morality. They are the only two positive traits, and I don't necessarily feel much emotion. Anxiety is already negative and doubtful. This has happened twice with Morality before Princey was even born. I say born, because I hate the thought that we say 'created' or 'formed'. Poor Patton has been through a lot in his life.

    I was near Anxiety's room, as I was headed there in the first place. But, by the time I was there, it didn't take long to realize that Anxiety was crying.

     I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked harder. No answer, but a groan. I banged loudly on the door, making Princey and Morality come to my side. No answer.

"He's having a panic attack!Thomas is hyperventilating in the living room, but his friends are helping him. What happened?!"Morality was rushing his speech and trying to open the door. Locked.

"Anxiety we're coming in in three!"Princey yelled. Potton and I stood back, knowing what was going to happen.

"Two!"He walked back a little.

"One!!"He rammed into the door and it bursted open.

     Anxiety was curled p in the back corner of his room. He was tugging at his hair and rocking back and forth. Though, he didn't have his jacket on and all you could see were scars. One like you get after you pick at your skin when you itch too much.

     We ran over to him and pulled his hands away from his hair. His scalp was red and irritated. Not bleeding, but close. His jacket and shirt was on his bed and he only had sweatpants and socks on.

     Patton was helping him breathe while Princey hugged him tight. They were all crying, but being me, I didn't cry.

I'Ll NevEr cRy...

     I stood back and looked at his room. Everything was thrashed around and furniture was tipped. He went on an actual rampage with this one.

     We got him to calm down and he fell asleep. He wasn't sleeping in this hellhole of a room, so we moved him to Patton's room. It did have a lot of stuffed animals and a puppy in it. I think he'll be comfortable.

Prinxiety/Logicality One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now