Part 5 (final Part)

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You got home feeling sad and angry, the way fp looked at you. You couldn't keep it together anymore. Once you got inside you didnt know what came over you. Seeing a picture of your dad with fp made you so angry you throw it across the room. Hearing the smash of the glass made you feel good so you grabbed the next thing doing the same feeling better. You didn't stop until the whole trailer was destroyed feeling great. That was until you slipped on shards of mirror cutting your arms. Quickly leaving the smashed up trailer when you saw the neighbor watching you, wrapping a jacket round your arm with the deepest wound you went to one of your safe places. At the park you sit under the light wincing as you pull out the thin long piece off glass out your arm, with the adrenaline running through your body you didn't feel the pain or notice the amount of blood you was losing.

FP went to the drive in to find jughead when he hadn't answered his phone too hoping you was there and told him not to answer his dad. Banging on the door his son came out sleepy from being woken up. "please tell me y/n is here" jughead was more awake when he heard the panic in his father's voice. "no, why what did you do this time" he asked in an accusing tone. Fp sat on the wall "y/n left mine pissed off with me, so I went to find her try to say sorry, I walked to her van but she wasn't there the place was smash up I think she did it herself and the was blood on the floor leading out the trailer, we tried to follow it but it stopped I've got the serpents looking I just hoped she was here" fp looked at his son almost crying. Jughead got dressed and took fp to the one place y/n went when she was upset, the play park.

FP saw you sitting on the swing looking at the floor as he got closer he saw your tear stained face starring into the ground. You looked at him when you hear approaching footsteps, standing feeling dizzy (you put it down to the alcohol forgetting about your arm) Jug stop looking at the blood pool under the swing went to shout don't move but you was already standing on your feet. "What are you doing here fp get away from me" you pushed him hard but he didn't move "I hate you I fucking hate you Jones" you shouted blinking as white spots filled your eyes. jug watched as you fainted into fps arms. His dad gently lay you down screaming your name begging for you to speak and open your eyes has he cradled you crying before scooping you. Jughead opened the truck as fp carried you in driving to the hospital. The drive was quite fp focused on the road driving fast wiping tears from his face. Jug held the jacket tightly on your arm stopping the bleed. He'd never seen his dad like this before, then it hit him he was wrong the serpent y/n wasn't into the guy from the drive in but his dad.

At the hospital the father and son sat waiting for news about y/n. Fp hadn't stopped stirring at the same black mark at the bottom of the wall in front of him. Jughead had texted Archie and the others telling them what had happen that you was okay but needed a blood transfusion and a lot of stitches. He'd also answered his dad's phone telling the others you had been found and his dad was staying with her. "how long," fp looked at his son "how long have you loved her" jug finished his question. "a while now but it changed when she moved grew. When did you work it out?" fp looked at his son they sheared a small smile. "when she wouldn't look at your photo, I thought something was off but put it down to her not so secret crush, when I saw you with her tonight it sort of hit me you love her back" jughead told his dad. Fp nodded, he couldn't lie to his son and he couldn't lie to himself anymore he was in love with y/n.

The nurse came out looking for the Jones boys who had brought you in, "she's okay gonna have a scar but she'll be okay, we've sedated her so she's asleep you can go in and see her now but only one of you". They both smiled and thanked her. Jug looked at his dad "you go in I'll wait outside for you" fp nodded about to walk away "dad," he called making fp turn back "I've never seen you like this since mum fix it don't loss it" jug gave his had a smirk and a nod before walking out. Fp walked into your room looking at you sleeping with drips of blood and clear fluids in your arm. He sat down looking at the bandages around your wrists the blood that had soaked though. The sight of you like that made him cry, holding your hand in both of his. He didn't know how long he'd sat next to you thinking about everything that had happened the last few weeks. He sighed looking at you thinking you couldn't hear him "jughead is right, he's a smart kid, much smarter than me. I've never felt like this for anyone before y/n, I promise when your up and okay I'll make you know how much you mean to me if you'll have me" he said clutching your hands to his lips.

Southside Princess Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora