"Roger, go-," I hiccup, "away. I don't want you to be anywhere near me."

He sighed and laid down on his bed, pulling a blanket over me as he held me to him. I didn't have the energy to fight against his embrace. And I couldn't lie, it felt nice to be in his arms.

"Natalie, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what. For kidnapping me, or forcing me to have your child?"

"Both. I'm sorry okay? But it isn't like what you're thinking."

"How could it be any different than what I'm thinking."

He hugged me closer to his chest and stroked my shoulder with his fingertips. His touch sent a jolt throughout my body.

"It wasn't like I just saw you walking down the street and decided to kidnap you. The people who created the list of potential partners matched us. They matched my personality with a lot of women. The test came up with twenty or so matches and I chose you."

"Why?" I ask, curious.

"You were just so...," he trailed off.

"So what?" I genuinely wanted to know.

I pulled back and searched his face. His eyes were guarded again, distant.

"What, Roger."

He looked at me and blinked, eyes filled with some unknown emotion. He was a steel wall with armed guards on either side. I recognized that in myself.

I looked down, knowing that if I pester him it will just be useless.

People like us, we have secrets. We have parts of our minds locked away, so hidden because we don't want other people to get anywhere near finding out what it is we're hiding. But we always put up a front.

I realized that everything he said to me when we first met was a lie. When he asked my name and where I was from, he had already known.

"Did you watch me," I asked.

He nodded.

"How much did you see," I feared that he knew about my father.


"Did you see," I trail off, swallowing loudly, "Did you see my home?"

He nodded again, his adams apple bobbing. He looks down at me with sad eyes.

He knew.

God dammit he knew. My secrets... I felt like an open book, and that was the worst feeling.

"Get out," I scramble from my spot on his lap.


"Get out!" I scream at him, tears pooling in my eyes. I didn't need his pity, I didn't need him to fucking rescue me from my father. I was fine on my own.

All emotion left his face as he got up and walked away from the bedroom.

I took a pillow from where he was laying and hug it to my body, sobbing quietly to myself.

I kept up walls. Sure, I could come across as a smiley, friendly person but it takes a long time for someone to know the real me. The me that's damaged and has trust issues. The me that hardly sleeps at night because of the nightmares that have me shaking when I wake up.

Roger came too close to the walls I kept up. Him knowing my deepest secret... I wasn't ready for that. It took Madison years to find out. I only told her last year because she caught me dad punching me after school one day.

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