Chapter 2

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Hola XD well here is my point of veiw of the beginning of our awesome true story of how me and sam (Garzas80) first meet XD hope you like it i know i did XD

SamW Pov

When i first found out about wattpad i thought it was probably the coolest thing ever lol yes i know total dork over here but hey dont judge i love to read and write, even though ithink im a crappy writer but anywho. When i first signed up i didnt really know what to do so i just started reading around finding the gay and lesbian stories seeing as i was just commin out myself and trying to figure out who i was at the time. So i decided hey why dont i write a story and i did. I wrote my first story and suddenly i was getting fans not that many but like a few and it encouraged me to write more. So i wrote my very first lesbian story but i based it on my own story. Honestly i almost didnt even write it i just procrastinated and kept puttin it off thinking it would be silly and that no one would really like or enjoy my lame ass story but i was so wrong and i am so thankful for going through with it because i met the greatest person in my life

It didnt realize how lost i was until i wrote that story i realized how lonely i really felt i wanted someone in my life especially a woman who i could turn to who could make me feel happy again as i was spiraling downwards through hell. I wanted to meet new people and hopefully find someone but i never had the courage to say anything because im too shy and reserved so i just kept to myself. But one day as i got off the school bus dragging myself over to the old dinosaur of a computer and i logged into wattpad i saw i had a little message in the corner waitng for me to open it. I could feel my heart begin to race and i go all giggly and a dorky ass cheezy grin was plastered to my face as i clicked my messages and i saw the message that started it all.

It was a simple message but it was my very first message and i was so happy to have gotten it and i was sure to let my this stranger know this and soon enough she become someone who wasnt even a stranger at all but someone who i could trust everything with. With her first message i could feel somthing about her somthing different and i could feel as if i could trust her at that very moment and it was true i trusted my heart and i took a chance if only she couldve seen me tapping my pencil on my desk at 3:15 pm waiting for the bell to ring at 3:20 pm to get on the bus to go home. If only she couldve seen me burst in the door to my ipod or computer just to get on wattpad to talk to this amazing stranger who sadly lived in texas 1200 miles away from me but i didnt care i didnt care one bit.

I felt so at ease telling her my story about how i like my best friend or more so use to like her. I felt so at ease venting to this girl this special girl who seemed to calmed my nerves who seemed to bring my whole day together and who filled me with happiness. But a the time i wouldnt let myself feel the things i wanted to because i didnt want toget hurt again i didnt want to get my hopes up too high just to be let down. But she would always say these little things that would set me off give me that spark of hope. She made my chest ache wanting to be with her because i know she was the one or atleast i thought but know i know she is.

We played 20 questions till we ran out of questions. I found out her favorite movie os the greatest movie on earth and her favorite cartoon is tom and jerry xD. Then we were just being random talking about, well everything i remember when she first called me baby it made my heart ache for her to be my girl even more even though she told me that people in texas refer friends and such as baby i still felt like there mught be a hidden message behind it which keep givin me hope, the hope i needed for one thing i wanted most of all to be most of all, her girl.

-authors note-

Well already wrote another chapter XD its much easier when ur just writing down past events especially when u remember them so well because they ment so much to you and dont mind sam shes a dork and forgets easily xP but i still love her heehee XD love you babi XD well that my side of the somwhat begginning bear with is .... This may take awhile o.O XD peace XD

finding you (co-written with xXPeaceXx)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt