First and Only Love (One Friday Night One Shot Contest)

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This is NOT MINE. Well, the scene is, but the characters and story and whatnot is from One Friday Night (AMAZING STORY- go read it). This is a mere one-shot, for BLiNDEDlight_ 's one shot contest, which pales in comparison to the magnificence of the actual story. Is the sucking up working? No? Okay, well, here's the actual thing.

I reached for his hand and he yanked me upright, grinning at the sight of my golden hair covered in sand. With anyone else, I probably would've scowled and pulled my hand away, but with him, the only thing I could focus on was the warmth of his hand in mine, and the tingles radiating from where he touched.

Are you a little confused? Here:





"Can you come out?" His fingers were smudging the glass, as he looked intently through the window at me, waiting for an answer.


I smile looking at his eyes, the ones I've always envied. They had something that just drew me to them, a colour unheard of, that was so beautiful it was breathtaking.

"Did you ask mom?"

Realising he was still waiting on an answer, I shook my head, blonde wisps of hair falling into my eyes. "I'll do it right now. Mommy!"

My mom appeared at the door behind me, the confused look disappearing from her face when she noticed Brandie in the doorway. "Well, hello there Brandie."

"Hi mom!" He answered. Although, my mom wasn't his mom, Brandie had been over here so much that she decided it was appropriate that she was his second mom. And in boy world, I guess that meant that you call her mom. I didn't mind though. In fact, I liked it. Remind me to add that to my pinkalicious diary of wedding plans, "a boy who calls my mom his mom."

"I'm assuming you and Allie want to go play?"

"Can we?!" His eyes widened and the colour began to sparkle.

"Do you want to go?" My mom asked, turning her questions on me. I didn't bother to tear my gaze away from Brandie, so when he nodded enthusiastically, I couldn't help but giggle.

"Yeah, mom."

"Okay, but stay in the neighborhood! I don't want a certain pair of ten year olds disappearing and ending up on the news."

"O-kay." Mom didn't bother to lecture us over the rest of the rules because we had been over it so many times already. She pushed open the glass door and I set a foot outside, joining Brandie on the porch.

"Back before dinner?"

I nodded an affirmative and stepped out into the driveway following Brandie into the driveway.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, keeping my gaze ahead of me.

"It rhymes with bark. Oh, and it has swings." He added as an afterthought as though I might not get it from the first statement. We both stopped our walking looking directly at each other. An understanding fleeted across his face as I started to grin.

"RACE YOU TO THE PARK!" I shouted already running ahead, following the sidewalk to the location. I heard Brandie's footsteps behind me, enough to tell me that he was right on my tail.

When the park began to manifest ahead of me, I changed course so that instead of running next to the street, I was sprinting through the grass.

Almost there...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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