Chapter 16 ~ Feeling better?

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Levi's Pov

I woke up and I felt much better and I could wiggle my toes as I sat up and a nurse walked in

"Good morning Captain Levi" she said

"Mhm" was my only reply

"Do you want to see Eren?" She asked as my interest immediately peaked

"Yes!" I said as I remembered what I told Eren about how I would tell him about why I had to ignore him

"Um can you bring Erwin as well?"

"Sure just wait here" she said smiling as I sat up straight and brushed my hands through my hair

The door opened and Eren ran in and he had puffy eyes as he threw his arms around me

"Levi!" He said hugging me as I smiled into his shoulder

"Are you alright? How are you? Do you feel better?" He questioned

"I'm fine" I said as he sighed in relief

"Eren I want to tell you why I ignored you"

He sat down as he looked at me as Erwin sat down too as he was involved in this

"When we both said I love you in the dining room it wasn't exactly private and everyone heard, we were fine then and I was really happy" I started as Eren looked intrigued and Erwin shifted uncomfortably

"Erwin came up to me one day and told me that people from other ranks had heard I was dating someone, so I told Erwin to tell them and some of them didn't approve, one because we are both guys but I don't see how that matters, and secondly because of the age difference and also the fact that I'm captain Levi and they thought that this relationship would interfere with working"

Eren was looking down at this point and I couldn't see his expression so I carried on talking

"Erwin and a couple others too, told me not to talk to you and to ignore you as much as I could, I agreed with this because I thought it would make me feeling for you disappear and everything could go back to normal, well that wasn't the case, in fact they just got stronger, I started thinking about how the people who didn't know about us would react because we're guys, but that doesn't really matter I mean Jean and Marco were dating and there was no problems with that and I was just hoping you'd forgive me" I said as it was quiet and I lifted me head and Eren was wiping his eyes

"Of course I forgive you!" He said putting my arms around me kissing my cheek making me blush

"I love you" I said as Eren gasps a little and hugged me tighter

"I love you too Levi" he said making me blush

"I'm sorry Eren, you and Levi should be together no matter what the circumstances and I'm sure everyone will come around soon enough"

"Thanks Erwin" Eren said sitting up as I sat up too leaning on him

"Let's go back to my room now I'm fine I just need to rest my feet"

Eren stood up and he put his arm around me and helped me walk into my office as Erwin went the opposite way

I could walk alright but it hurt and I was limping as my right foot was the one which was really hurting

He helped me to our bed and i let go of him as he lay down and I was on my knees above him

I bent down kissing him on the lips as a watched a blush rise to his face

He kissed back eagerly tugging a little on my shirt

"Are you sure? Do you want to-"

"Yes, please Levi" he said desperately

I took off my own shirt and jeans and boxers quickly as Eren took of his shirt and was struggling with his jeans

"Let me help" I said moving down his body giving him hickeys now and then

I pulled on his jeans and he kicked them off as his breathing was heavier

I palmed him through his boxers as he let out sexy moans

"Cone on, don't tease Lev-Ah!" He said getting interrupted my his own moan as I pulled his boxers off and started giving him a blowjob as he moaned loudly so probably anyone close to my office could definitely hear

I went faster bobbing up at down and Eren was barely able to form a sentence

"Lev-Ahhh, I-I-I clos-Ah!" He stuttered as he came down my throat and I swallowed it

"Your so fucking hot" I said kissing him and he turned over

"Please hurry up, I want you Levi, I love you" he said as I smiled

I grabbed the small tube of lube and put it over my fingers

"Tell me if you want me to slow down or anything okay?" I said as he nodded

I inserted the first finger making him gasp

"Are you okay?" I asked as he nodded

"A-Another please"

I added a second one and started scissoring them as he moaned making me even more hard as I was wet with my own precum

I added a third and a fourth finger and Eren looked desperate

"Ahh-p-please Levi, I-I-I need you now"

I wasn't exactly small so I knew this would be a lot for him

I lined myself up and pushed in as he gasped

I didn't move them as I knew Eren needed to adjust to this

"Wow your big" he said as I blushed

"Can you move now?" He asked as I did going slow as he let out a string of low moans

"Faster!" He said as I went much faster as his moans got increasingly louder

Suddenly he moaned much louder

I'd found his prostate

I hit it again and again and Eren was a moaning mess by now

"I'm c-close again" he stuttered

"Me too!" I said as moments later we both came

I pulled out of Eren and flopped next to him absolute exhausted

Eren cuddled next to me as I kissed him

"That felt amazing thank you" he said kissing me

"I love you Eren even when I'm embarrassed to say it" I said blushing

"I love you too Levi"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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