Chapter 13 ~ Weird

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Eren's Pov

I opened my eyes as I woke up and Levi wasn't lay there

"Leviiiiiiii" I whined as he walked into the room

"Morning brat" he said

"Don't call me that" I said as I sleepily got up and walked towards him and I put my arms around him and hugged him

He didn't put his arms around me and just stayed still

"What's wrong?" I asked


"Your lying" I said

"NO IM FUCKING NOT! He shouted making me step back shocked at his sudden outburst

"Levi" I said moving me hand up to his face but he hit it hard and he looked angry

"What's wrong? Is it last night?" I said as I blushed mentioning it

"No last night was great"

"What's wrong? What happened between then and now? I like waking up next to you and being with you and doing things" I said blushing

"Just shut up and leave me alone"

"Can I sleep here still?"

"I'll decide later" he said as my head dropped

What happened

"We're still together right?" I asked as I felt nervous

"I guess we are" he said as I let out a shaky breath

"I'm going to take a shower" I said as I had a shower and Levi had already left and gone down for breakfast

I was a bit sad as I put on my uniform and walked downstairs

Every seat was taken and Levi was a different seat and he wasn't sat next to me and he was talking with Hanji

I started giving Hanji the evils as Erwin spoke up

"Oi oi watch out Levi I think Eren's getting jealous" Jean said laughing

"Fuck off Jean just because you won't ever have another relationship because Marco died!" I yelled at him taking out my anger on him

Jean stood up as he stormed out

I shouldn't have done that

I know he misses Marco so much, they were the cutest couple and they had been dating for awhile and they were very close

"Jean wait!" I shouted

"Eren come with me" Levi said

"Levi I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend Jean I just-"

Levi cut me off kissing me but I pushed him back

"Levi, what are you doing? One minute you don't want to talk to me, one minute we are being a couple which I love and I'm so confused! What do you want!" I said exasperated

He just turned and walked away

"No Levi!" I shouted grabbing his hand

"You can't keep running away!"

"Whatever" he said

"Fuck you!" I shouted at him as I walked away

I decided to go and see Jean and apologise as he missed Marco lots and I defiantly didn't make him feel better

His door was ajar and the lights were off and he was sat on his bed crying holding onto something

"Jean?" I said as I walked into his room

"Go away Eren" he said but he made no effort to push me away

"I'm so sorry about what I said about Marco"

I shuffled and sat next to him

"What's the photo?"

He shakily handed it to me and I recognised it because I took the photo

It was when Jean and Marco were on date and they got me to take a photo of them kissing under the moon

"I miss him" he said

"He's always there in your heart" I said as he nodded

"He wouldn't want to see you this way would he"

"I guess not, your lucky you have Levi"

"He's giving me mixed signals I don't know what's happening it's probably easier not to love him but I can't"

"Yeah I know the feeling"

"Well I've got to go practise today, you coming?"

"Nah I did loads yesterday so have fun" he said as I waved and went outside

I practised all day keeping voices on this and trying not to let my mind wonder anywhere else

I was so tired as I couldn't be bothered to eat anything or do anything and I knocked on Levi's office door

"Who is it?"

"Me" I said as I didn't wait for an answer and walked in

"Have you had dinner?" He asked

"No" I said as I collapsed onto a chair tiredly

"Aren't you hungry"

"Why do you care?"

"I'm your boyfriend so I do care"

"Mhmm" I said as I closed me eyes and I was soon asleep


I woke up and I was in a bed as I sat up and Levi wasn't asleep next to me

I wasn't surprised as something was up with him

I was going outside the walls and I guessed Levi was too but I wasn't assigned to be with him and instead with Mikasa, Armin, Connie and Jean which I liked being with as we were able to get on well and complete our tasks

Today was definitely going to be successful

Embarrased // EreriWhere stories live. Discover now