"Yes, I have two brothers and a sister." I look over at Penelope. "Though we don't get on well. She's a bloody wee clipe that one!" I add the last part quietly and Niklaus chuckles softly.

"Really? A tattle-tale?" He recognizes the Scottish verse, smiling wide and showing his gleaming teeth. I laughed as well, but frowned after a moment.

"They are my brothers." I point over to where the Queen stood. Both her boys stood beside her, and Francis had his arms crossed with a deep frown on his face. "Though only Francis is good. Bastian may know how to fight but he's a real snitch whenever someone else gets into the armory," My nose scrunches up in distaste, then I smile. "He'd make a good guard. And that there is Queen Mary. If you think the King is wicked, you've ought to meet her." I shiver.

"You're very observant for being so young." He tells me. I only look up at him, and Niklaus looks down at me with a smile. As the commuting hour comes to a close and everyone takes their seats, my mother grips my shoulder again, pulling me away from Niklaus and making sure I sit beside her. I look up at her. The red hair and the blue eyes was the only thing we shared. I look around the room, spotting the Queen and my siblings, but not seeing the King anywhere. Rarely did he miss mass.

My eyes travel around as the Pope begins his teachings. I spot Mordred and wave to him, which he timidly waves back before my mother grabs my wrist roughly and hisses at me to pay attention. I sit still from then on and stay quiet. When the mass that felt to last for hours was over, my mother told me I was released to return to my duties. I gratefully ran over to Mordred.

"I met the guests. Or one of them." I announce. "Sir Niklaus. He's a knight." I tell him excitedly. Mordred's eyes go wide.

"I heard one of the nans say they were wolves in sheeps clothes." He whispers to me intently, and we walk with the rest of the servants towards the kitchen. "You know what that means?" He asks me. I look at Mordred's concerned chocolate eyes. "The villages are speaking of demons."

"Keep your heid." I scoff at him, telling him to calm down. "Their Englishmen, not demons." I nudge him, and then grab my small sharing of soup that we all share in the kitchen after mass. The servers had begun to take out the good stuff for the feast, and I sit at the wooden table near the back beside Mordred, across from us Erion sat and so did Gwen. "Where's Michael?" I asked the older servants. Gwen sends me a sad gaze and I furrow my brows with confusion.

"He was dragged off right before Mass began." Erion tells me, however he seemed to care more about his soup than my concerns. My eyes widen.

"By whom?" Mordred asks, sharing a surprised and startled look with me.

"Guards." Erion replies absently, wolfing down his weak amount of soup. As though he hadn't eaten for days. I leave my bowl on the table, not having eaten any, and push in my wooden chair.

"What you leaving to, Merida?" Gwen asks me, her strong Spanish voice strained from her old lungs that rasped for air. Gwen was one of the oldest servants here. I turned to her as she goes on. "Eat child or you shalt get any till supper. Michael's let the pigs free, no helping him."

"Pigs free?" I tilt my head slightly, wondering what she meant. "He'd never do that." I leave the kitchen, closing the heavy door behind me and scampering down the hall. I turn the corner and see Francis, calling out to him. My little brother comes running to me smiling. "Find Michael. Guards took him. I'm off to the stables." I call over my shoulder, running the other way as he receives my orders. "I'm going to find the pigs!"

My black Mass dress seemed heavy to me as my swift socked feet carried me quickly down the castle hall. I pass the glass room with massive columns. I pass the nursery and the Knight's quarters beside the Servant's. Running through a crowd of nobles and almost tripping. I turn back, recognizing one of Niklaus's brothers watching after me. I didn't have time to wonder which it was, Elijah, Kol or Finn.

Her Majesty // Mikaelsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें