Chapter 3: The Game Plan

Start from the beginning

 "Darling, make-up does wonders. So will a little closet refreshment. Plus, you don't even have to do a thing! Just sit back and relax Lil." She remarked, i knew there was no choice in this any longer. May my natural soul rest in peace, my body will now, from this day forward be contaminated with makeup and slutty designer clothes. 

"While you turn me into a clown?" I snorted, raising my eyebrows. She sent me a glare, amusement in her eyes. "No darling, maybe a few touch-ups, you're not going to turn into Snooki or Nicki Minaj, relax. I'm your sister, im not going to turn you into a cake." She says rolling her eyes. "But. You rentire wardrobe is changing. I doubt he's talked to you ever, right?" She says eyeing me. Yup, i have no choice in this matter, and i'm the one who came up with this 'revenge' plan. Fantastic. I shook my head, then frowned. "He's in my drama group." I said slowly, "Though he just noticed me." I mumbled, remembering when Victoria humiliated me when she asked who i was and the whole class laughed. I blinked away the horrid memory. 

"Excellent." She beamed, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, how was this a good thing? "Excellent?" I repeated, not knowing where she was going with this. her green eyes looked up at me like i was stupid. I blinked emotionlessly, what the hell was she thinking? So much for twin telepathy. "Since he doesn't know you exist, he'll think you're new or something and that will catch his attention. He loves new cheerleaders." She scoffed, her eyes glaring daggers into her papers. My mind slowly took in what her plan was and my eyes widened. 


"God, i don't know why you're so melodramatic." She scowled at me after an hour of making her plan sound less...desperate. Basically, she said that all i was doing was making him feel the pain of how his girfriends feel when he dumps them for no apparent reason and that it's for a 'good cause'. 

"I'm being dramatic?" I scowled, "What about you? You have a whole revenge plan set up here because a dick dumped you!" I snapped, she rolled her eyes and shrugged. "You're the one that put ideas in my mind and you're the one who said to give him his own medicine." She pointed out. I crossed my arms. "I wasn't being serious, i wasnt thinking straight at the time and if i was, i did not mean that i was going to be the one to feed him the medicine." I huffed. 

"Lilith." She groaned, staring at me with her large green eyes, pouting, i glared down at her, she knew her little innocent look didnt work on me. "Please! Please, just do it not only for me, but for the other hundred girls who's hearts he broke. Remember how you felt when you caught Josh ch-" She started softly, she shut up when i gave her a look. "Alright! I get it, don't ever mention that ever again." I threatened. 

She pursed her lips, "You of all people should know how being dumped and cheated on feels, so why would you let Dave Gregory do the same to other people? I thought you were the good sister. The nice one. The innocent one. Are you really going to let him stomp on everyone's hearts like a King?" She snapped. For somehow who is labelled 'dumb', she sounded pretty wise and smart at this moment, my lips twitched. "Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" I gasped in mock horror, she rolled her eyes and pouted, resting her head on her hands, the pool of blonde hair cascading down her pale skin. 

"I'll do it." I finally sighed in defeat, after going over her words 5 times in my head. Josh had ruined me, after he cheated on me while he was sober and not drunk, my life just snapped at that point; he didnt even apoligize or go after me when i ran home. My sister came home from the party hours later and found me crying in the bathroom holding a razor in my hand, she screamed for my parents, she was crying, i was crying, no begging for her to kill me, she was too scared to do anything, i just felt numb. I wanted the pain to go away, it was like my heart was ripped out and my organs were caving in; i couldn't breathe. From that day onward, i never trusted a guy again. We moved states and Lissa never left my side or let me go to a party without her ever again. 

She squealed, "YAY! Oh, this will go down in history i tell you. HISTORY." 

"I CAN'T WALK IN THESE." Were the first things that came out of my mouth when she took out a pair of nude wedges from her closet, they looked around 4-inches tall, i have never worn heels in my life - apart from my first date, which ended terribly when i fell down and face-planted the ground. 

Lissa's jaw dropped. "Lilith! This isn't even classified as heels in my closet! They're only like 4 inches. Have you seen mine?" She laughed and handing them to me. I stared at the tall wedges; oh i was sure going to face-plant myself again when i walk to school; oh this will not impress Dave Gregory. Nope. 

"Just try it." She said with a chuckle, handing me a skater skirt and a singlet with a leather jacket. I blinked. Skirts were not my kind of style, they made me feel so...naked! I pursed my lips and grimanced at the outfit. "Oh come on! Can't i wear my skinny's or...or...leggings at least?!" I pleaded. She had her hands on her hips and she shook her head, no. 

"UGH!" I groaned and took off my clothes. Lissa narrowed her eyes and cocked her head to the side, i raised my eyebrows and spun around, quickly covering my ass and wearing the skirt. "Uh, do you mind Liss, you pervet!" I huffed, slipping on the singlet and leather jacket. I put on the heels slowly and fisted my hands as i steadied myself and spun around. I felt like a penguin as i moved from one leg to another stiffly.

"Lil, i don't get why you don't show off your body. Like seriously, your curves are so hot. Like dead set. And you're so lucky you have boobs! God, girls would die to have your boobs." She huffed staring at my boobs openly, i felt my face go red. "LISSA!" I hissed and swatted her face away from my boobs and adjusted my jacket. She laughed and took a step back, admiring her work. She grinned. "I should be a freaking designer." She sighed. 

"You look hot. Now, we need to teach you how to do 'the sexy walk'." She said casually, i raised my eyebrows. "The sexy walk? Since when did walks have names?" I said, following her then i screamed as i tripped over a mat and, once again face-planted.

"No, it's heel-toe-heel-toe! It's not that hard!" Lissa groaned, agitated. I groaned and sat back on the couch, kicking the stupid heels off of my feet and literally groaned when my feet was free from it; my legs felt so relaxed now. God she had small feet. Lissa stomped to me in her 6-inch heels and grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Lilith! Just walk." She snapped. I sighed and slipped on the heels and stood up straight and prayed to the heavens that i could do this, i shut my eyes and walked, and miraculously this time i didnt stumblr, slam into a table or trip over! I actually walked. "Oh my god! Liss i can walk in heels now -" I squealed before tripping over. Again. 

"Now, walk like that - minus the fall at the end and we're ready to crush the player!" 

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