"Great choice. Felix, you're up first it seems." Pan grinned and waved the boy Felix over.

I stood in the middle of the circle of lost boys and in front of me was the tall Felix, his eyes cold and glaring down at me almost smugly which made me scowl.

   Oh hell no is this guy gonna belittle me. I thought with a mental growl as I returned the glare he sents me.

  "Alright, love. All you have to do is make take Felix down to the ground, do that and you win the first round and move on. If you don't, well you'll be out of Neverland faster than you can blink. That is, if he doesn't kill you first." Peter Pan smirked and chuckled, his tone meant he was serious and that made me feel the same.

  If losing to this blonde wonder means I'm getting off this island, then there is no way in hell that's gonna happen.

  So with a breath, I glanced at Pan then at Felix and smirked smugly, tightening my hold on my sword.

   "Bring it then, Pan. I'm gonna make you lose this game."

  He chuckled, amused and smirking, "Feisty. Alright, Felix. Show her how us lost boys do it."

  For a moment I swore I heard Felix chuckle with his ever unmoving lips but disregarded it as I quickly moved and ducked away from his club, narrowly missing my head.

  Okay, so Felix is most definitely more ruthless than this Rufio person. He looks like he would kill me instantly. I think he really will even.

  All I had to do was take him down and pin him to the ground. That doesn't sound so bad, although not easy considering that club he wields.

  However I already had a plan in mind. It wasn't an easy plan, but it was what I got at the moment.

   This is all or nothing, Diana. Take his Blonde ass down.

  Quickly I stopped dodging and pushed forward then dropped to the ground and swiped my foot at his ankle tipping him down. I thought he would, however he didn't and instead rolled over quickly and was up on his feet once more.

   "Not bad, little girl. But not good enough." He taunted with a mocking smirk which irked me so.

  Chuckling, I twirled my sword around and spat, "Not a little girl. And don't underestimate me you blonde shit."

  The lost boys whispered and chuckled at my rude remark and I spotted the quick change of his mocking expression to an annoyed one.

   "You're going down, little girl." He snarled and ran towards me, his club ready to strike.

 I glared, eyes narrowing and I dodged the strike of his club and swipe the blade of my sword directly at his face and a second later I heard him bellow out a scream, one hand suddenly clutching his face, little stains of red peeking through his fingers.

  "Not so much of a little girl now, am I blondie?" I scoffed, still glaring at him and his bleeding face that had a large long cut right across the bridge of his face.

  "You'll pay for this, girl!" He growled and lunged at me, his club heavy and ready to strike again.

  My feet twisted and I spun around dodging his club and quickly elbowed him in the Back. His loud gasp made me grin and I took the chance to grab his arm and disarm him of his club.

The lost boys were watching intently and in the corner of my eyes I could see Peter Pan in his smug glory, arms crossed and eyes a dark emerald green as he had a grin on his lips watching me intently. Observing me.

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