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My head began to feel lighter and lighter as the gathering of people got closer around us. There were at least eight of them, not including Shuko who stood in front of us, staring down at Su. 

"Your friend here isn't exactly what she seems." she spat, a crooked smile playing on her lips.

"Please, Shuko..." whispered the drained Suzuka. 

"Shut up," Shuko replied coldly, not even turning her head to look at her. She was staring at me, straight into my soul. "She's a vampire."

I couldn't control myself. Immediately, I started to giggle, followed by Su. "What is she talking about?" laughed Suzuka, who was greeted with a loud slap. Judging by her facial expression and the instant red mark on her cheek, it was excruciatingly painful.

"You want to play that game, huh?" bellowed Shuko, stepping closer to me. She grabbed the collar of my damp school uniform, dragging me away from Su. Placing her hand on my shoulder, she tilted my head slowly with her other hand, exposing my neck. I knew that if I moved, I'd probably get hurt.

"Shuko, don't you dare!" screamed Suzuka, weakly standing up.

"All of these people have become one of us just in case you try anything ignorant." 

"Innocent people who have done nothing to you!"

"Now, you know what to do. Hand over the pendant or you'll regret it." Shuko sneered, her face getting closer and closer to my neck, ignoring what Su had screamed at her. A shiver went down my spine. 

"I can't do that... it's not mine!" cried Su, edging closer to us. "Please, don't do this." she pleaded, tears forming in her eyes. 

"You've already made your decision. It's too late." 

"Shuko, no!"

Suddenly, I felt an agonising pain in the side of my head. For a second, everything was a blur.. until my world went black. 


"Moa? Moa, are you okay?" 

I groaned, trying to sit up. Every bone in my body felt like it was broken. 

"Don't try to move... how are you feeling?" Su asked, as she leaned over me. I was laying in a bed back at her house. 

"Like I've been thrown off a building. What happened? What about Shu-" I immediately stopped talking when Su speedily covered my mouth with her hand. She looked panicked, a pained expression on her face suddenly. 

"My parents can't know about this, Moa. I've just told them you felt sick so you came back here for some medicine... I already called your parents, too." she explained in a quiet voice. 

"Know about what, Suzuka?" a loud voice came from behind her. It was her father. 

Whipping around instantly, Su jumped up at the sight of her dad. She turned back to me, giving me a look as if to say 'don't tell him anything'. I didn't like lying, but I couldn't risk disappointing her.

"Oh, I just felt sick so I thought I'd come over to borrow some medicine..." I stopped talking, realising her father was shaking his head with his arms crossed. 

"I've already heard your story. Su, a word please." he growled, faintly smiling at me as he escorted her out of the room and shut the door. Sighing, I laid back in the bed and closed my eyes for a few seconds. 

Knock knock

I ignored the knocking sound, wanting to rest for a while.

Knock knock 

What the hell is that noise? I thought to myself, opening my eyes to look around the room. I turned to face the window, thinking it was something outside. A girl around my age was leaning on the window ledge, her arms crossed with her chin resting on them. Her legs must have been hanging below, as there was no other way she could possibly be there. When I met eyes with her, she smiled at me, but my mouth dropped open in shock. 

It was Shuko. 

Panicking, I tried to call for help but realised they had been out there talking for longer than they should have been. I sat up, grimacing, attempting to stand and open her bedroom door. Quickly looking over at the window, I noticed she was gone. 

Oh god... 

Author's note: Sorry for updating this late! Let's just say I procrastinated... a lot. But I really do enjoy writing this, so here you go! :)

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