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Rain began to soak my hair and my school uniform as I trudged down the crumbling park path. Carrying my schoolbooks that were now beginning to get ruined and damp, I spotted a tree where I could wait for the rain to calm down before I started walking again. I sighed, pressing my back against the rough tree bark so I could stay as dry as possible. 

Closing my eyes and brushing my wet hair out of my face, I suddenly felt something cold on my shoulder.

"Crap!" I shouted, turning around instantly. A familiar girl stood the other side of the tree, grinning at me. Still, she hadn't removed her hand from my shoulder after making eye contact with me. She had her hair tied up tightly in a high ponytail, with bangs. 

"Hey.. you're Moa, right?" 

I nodded, half smiling. It wasn't that I didn't recognise her, because I did, it was just we'd never talked alone or seen each other separately. "Sorry, what was your name again?" I whispered meekly, afraid that she'd get aggravated because I didn't remember her name. 

"Fujihira Shuko, nice to meet you. I'm a friend of Suzuka's." The last part of her sentence was said through gritted teeth, so I immediately sensed something wasn't right. 

"Oh, right. I haven't heard her talk about you before." I replied, still conscious of the fact that her hand was on my shoulder. She was gripping it even tighter by the second. 

"Really? We've known each other from birth... but how is she? I haven't seen her in a while." Shuko was staring straight into my eyes expressionlessly. 

"Good, I hope. Anyway, I think I'm going to leave now, the rain has calmed down and I can't be late home." I lied, buckets of water still pouring down violently from the smokey grey sky. 

"Oh, no. I don't think you'll need to be going anywhere." The pale girl was now centimetres away from my neck. I could feel her warm breath against my freezing cold skin. Panicking, I quickly tried to shove her away, but she was much stronger than I imagined and stayed exactly where she was without effort.


I heard someone scream desperately in the distance. 

"Get away from her, you filthy leech!" 

"Shut up, Nakamoto. I'm trying to teach you a lesson!" Shuko yelled in my ear before turning to smirk at the girl who was sprinting as fast as she could towards us. 

My heart was beating at an alarming rate as I slipped out of her grasp. I turned around, only to see my best friend at her throat. "Suzuka, what the hell is going on?" 

"Just stay out of the way, I'll explain later.." She exclaimed breathlessly, picking herself up after being thrown on the floor by the taller girl. Grimacing as I watched them fight, I began to back up slowly so I could move out of the way more. I gasped, immediately bumping into something.

My arms were wrapped behind my back,  a hand being forced over my mouth. "Make a noise and I'll make you wish you never had blood in your veins." Hearing these threatening words, all I could do was stay still obediently. 

"Look around Nakamoto. You're surrounded." Shuko growled, circling Su as she struggled to force herself up. A large amount of normal looking girls and boys, men and women stood around us in the park. I felt the person who was restraining me shove me forward, making me trip over and cut the skin on my knees. I landed right next to the trembling Suzuka, who was whimpering in pain and clasping her leg. 

"Su, what the hell is this?" I half whispered in her ear, only to be smacked so hard around the head I thought I might lose consciousness. 

"No talking while Shuko is." The hostile man who threw me onto the floor hissed. He had a goatee and appeared to be in his late fourties, and was wearing what looked like an office uniform. 

"Now let me explain." Shuko bellowed as all of the peculiar people gathered around. 

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