Chapter Twenty One

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"Oh suck it up." Kellin exasperated, waving his hands around for extra dramatic effects. He was getting better at this, it was great.

I shot him a playful glare, "You don't just spill someones drink then tell them to suck it up!" I attempted screeching, though it only ended up sounding like a very manly low growl, what can I say? I'm all man.

He hoped onto my lap, putting his legs on either side of my legs and looking me in the eye, "It's just a little water. It'll dry." he smiled sheepishly, resting his head in the crook of my neck - it seemed to be his favorite location.

"Kellin," I scolded him sternly, "Not everything in life will dry." I wasn't even sure why I said that, it made no sense. "Besides, it's not like -" I stopped mid-sentence when Kellin shifted on my lap, accidentally rubbing his bottom in my weak spot, my eyes went wide, "Kellin."

He looked up at me instantly realizing what he'd done, "Oh shit, sorry." he crawled off my lap and sat next to me, not looking over at all.

We hadn't even gone far in the sexual stance, I mean we make out every now and then, but he haven't done anything else. Though he does leave me aroused every now and then, I don't mind. I guess.

I chuckled, "That was kind of funny." why not try and break the ice? Kellin nodded quickly, not looking up at all. "You okay?" I asked, moving a bit closer; not missing the way his body tensed.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." he sounded like he was trying to reassure himself more than he was trying to reassure me.

I frowned, "Are you sure? You seem a bit iffy."

He shook his head quickly, "Iffy? I'm not iffy - who said anything about iffy?" he stumbled trying to get his words out.

"Kells, you can talk to me about anything you know that right?" I placed a hand on his knee.

He sighed, "It's just I've never done things with another guy." he blushed as soon as the words left his mouth, hiding his face behind his hair.

I chuckled, "That's okay," his blue orbs connected with my dull brown ones, "I mean, I really don't mind if that's what you're worried about." I added.

"I just feel so un-panda." he muttered, eyes widening once the words left his mouth, "I really gotta stop watching Austin and Ally." he made a fake terrified expression.

I suppressed the urge to laugh at him, "What does that even mean?" now that he has said it.

"Panda means cool, I mean, yeah. Because pandas are bad-ass y'know?" he nodded, as if he were answering his own question.

I chuckled, "So you feel uncool because you've never had gay sex?" I asked, getting back on topic.

He nodded slowly, "Kind of. I mean, I know it's stupid and all. Don't you actually want an experienced person?"

I laughed, shaking my head, "No. Kellin, ever had sex with a girl?"

"Uh, yeah?" he seemed unsure about telling me the truth, but it really didn't matter to me if he had or hadn't in all honesty, that was the past and we're in the present, just as long as he doesn't do that shit while we're together.

I thought for a few seconds, "I'm actually a bottomer so there shouldn't be a problem, unless you want me to top or something. I don't know." I'd done both, and they both felt amazing. He didn't have to know that.

He just chuckled a little, "I dunno. I mean, both sound so...enticing." he shuttered in mock excitement.

I grinned, "We'll get to that later. I mean, I really don't want these boxers getting wet. They're my favorite."

He shrugged, "It'll dry."


This was going to end up being smut, but I've never written smut so I didn't really know what to do and I panicked and just wrote a bunch of stuff I don't even know the meaning of, like I don't know I'm so sorry. 

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