Chapter 6

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A/N -----> this is how i imagine Jordyn to be



The speakers were thumping and vibrating through the thick brick walls. Fog from the machines made it almost impossible to see anything a foot in front of you're face. All these different colored lights were strobing all around the fog filled room. Everywhere people were taking shots, dancing like the world was going to end. Liquor was pouring all over the bar top. The Atomic Bombs were playing hard as this being there home town, they put the entire place on their feet. Cigarettes and sex were the only thing you can smell lingering in the air.  My kind of haven.

I gave Tommy my jacket and he made his A line to the only open spot I could see at the bar. I was taking notice around, trying to see through the smog, if I could recognize anyone in here. It was really damn near impossible to see. The band switched up there melody and the crowd went insane! I could feel the floor ready to cave in beneath my feet. Hands were up in the air and everyone had little light bits in their mouth. As I stalked a little closer to the dance floor I was quickly pulled backwards to see Tommy with a wide ear to ear grin holding our two Jagger bombs.

Cheers !!

We swigged back our drinks and headed to the dance floor.

At first I was just thirsty...But I was like insanely thirsty. I tried to tell Tommy I needed water but he couldn't make out anything I was trying to say over the noise volume. I pointed over to the bar and made the world wide known hand gesture for thirsty. He gave me the thumbs up at least acknowledging what I was trying to motion. My body temperature was fluctuating between hot and cold. Every step I made I could feel this jolt, It began in my toes and traveled up my naked thighs and headed straight to my brain. I only had one shot, and for me to be feeling this way, feeling just so loose, so carefree and clumsy just wasn't my usual style after just ONE drink. I went into the bathroom and threw some water on my face hoping I would feel slightly better.

Once the cold water hit my forehead and dripped down my cheek I slowly began to feel a little more normal, but I still wasn’t were I wanted to be, comfortably. My skin felt so invigorating against my own touch, this soft settle vibration was hitting the very tip of my fingers. Suddenly reality hit me.. Hard. This feeling I was feeling was not soo unfamiliar to me after all. I have been drugged. And I was drugged with ecstasy.

There was nothing I could do to get this feeling to completely subside or stop. I was stuck on the love boat and it was not planning on making any stops any time soon. Why would Tommy do this? Was he just trying to get some action from me ? What the fuck.

Trying to pull myself together fixing my mascara in the lipstick covered mirror, the last thing I need is for Tommy to see his plan arising into full effect. Shit. I can’t just have him take me home, would he even really take me home? I mean I do trust Tommy but we haven’t really partied like this together in a very long time. Suddenly that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, when your heart starts to race uncontrollably you begin to shake, can’t control your hands. The feeling of panic, nervousnes washes over you. I was starting to become terrified. I knew I needed to try to get home as soon as possible before the worst case scenario began. Thumping and pounded was echoing all in the bathroom.

Oh lord please don’t be him.

 The lights in the bathroom started going on and off only adding fuel to my already growing fire. I was starting to get dizzy, I don’t think I'm fully yet recovered from my concussion that happened earlier. My heart starts to race a little more and I know I need to get out of here. I run out of the bathroom to witness one of the biggest bar fights I think I have ever seen so up close and personal. I quickly glanced around making sure I didn’t see Tommy anywhere if I were going to leave now would be the time to do so. I turned around trying to find where the main entrance was.

 I put my hand against the wall trying to keep myself leveled. People were rushing past me trying to catch the fight, which is now turning into a big mosh pit. I started to see the big double glass doors leading back out to the front, I stepped out side ignoring the whistles I was getting and letting the cold air wrap me in a blanket and carry me away. I needed a cigarette. I walked down a ways to the side of the club, I pressed my back against the cool brick and blew my smoke toward the sky. So many thoughts and emotions were pumping through me I just needed to go home and ride this out. I had to catch a cab, Tommy dropped my car of at my house and his roommate brought us here. I was finishing the rest of  my cigarette while getting the taxi service set up. they said about 15 minutes which isn't too bad, i just need to stay out of sight until then. I still cannot believe he would set me up like this.

Is it for him figuring out that i needed a simple jump?

Again just soo many thoughts were racing through my brain. This is why i cant trust anyone, this is why i stay to myself. Please god just give me a break. Some time went by and i was still on the side of the building steering clear from the main entrance. I'm pretty sure i look like a hooker just standing in the shadows in a red dress all dolled up. Finally after about 5 more minutes my cab pulls up and saves me. Before i closed the door a hand stopped the door from closing on me. I looked up to only have my emotions burn even more.

I had no idea who this man was but the second our eyes had locked, I felt all 4 walls I've tried to keep up just came crumbling down. He was so handsome, Dark hair slightly disheveled, crystal blue eyes, sun kissed skin, tall and from what i can see through his black shirt he was definitely in shape. Just everything in a man a girl could only fantasize about.  I found almost impossible to utter a single word to him but luckily my instincts just kicked in from what Tommy was just trying to pull how can i trust this guy?

Um can i help you ?

"Did you read my note?"

What note?

Do we even know each other  ?

"I know you Jordyn I've been looking for you ever since you left the club and may i say red is my favorite color on you"

Since I left the club ..No one besides Tommy and his creepy roommate knew I was here. Who was this guy.

Well I don't know who you are

He leaned down a little closer and his scent jumped into my senses and i felt my thighs just begin to tighten almost immediately. I knew I smelled this somewhere before I just can't put my finger on it.

"Well you know me good enough to take my jacket, go home rest up and don't forget to read that letter"

And as quick as i met him he was gone. He closed the door gave me this little seductive smirk and watched me drive off before he just disappeared. It was seeing the man of your dreams in front of your face,smelling him, so close you can taste him on the tip of your'e tongue. And just like a make believe fairy tale he disappears. Then like a ton of books it just registered to me that he knows I have a mans jacket..

Could he have been...

My mystery saviour?  I needed sleep, I need to let this all sink in and now I'm more vulnerable then ever ! 

 I struggled my way up the stairs to my room without managing to awaken my parents from thier beauty slumber. I got to my room locking the door behind me, I kicked off my shoes and threw my red dress on the closet floor. I put on some boxer shorts with a white tank and my gorilla slippers. I grabbed the mystery mans hoodie and the note that i still had stuffed in my jean shorts. I layed on my bed and let the cold sheets take over my legs and arms.

I wrapped the hoodie around me and began smelling that sweet smell that took over my whole body from my earlier cab ride affair. All i could see was his face whenever I closed my eyes. I cant even remember the last time I felt so..

So giddy.. Over a guy.. 

No more questions, i decided it was time to open the note.

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