Chapter 3

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"Stars are beautiful, but they may not take part in anything, they must just look on forever."

Alanna's POV

Peter picked out clothes for my brother and I, that the fairies made for us, me with a white dress that reached to mid-thigh with zig-zag trimming on the bottom with shorts under it. My dress felt like it was made with thread from a spiderweb, it was light and very comfortable. My brother got something like the hoodie he had at home, except it was black and was sleeveless, with tight black pants, made with a different material than mine, a lot thicker and heavier. According to my brother, though, it was wonderful.

Afterwards Peter told me I could walk around, since he wanted to show my brother something about how to find the best adventure spots. Adventures weren't really my style, I told him.

He frowned, then nodded in understanding. "You can go walk around the island, just be careful."

Then I vaguely remember him mentioning something about "The Wastelands". Whatever that was. I look up and notice, at this point on, the earth is barren and lifeless. I look up and see some kind of cave system that connects directly to the water. The mouth of the cave resembles a skull. I feel drawn in, and before I know it, I'm getting closer and closer to it.

I walk closer to the cavern, a dark aura emanating from the grounds, the sun seeming to be shrouded with storm clouds as I approach. I enter and a small hole in the ceiling casts a circular ray of light to hit a flat-topped boulder in the center of the cave. The water engulfs the surrounding area except for the boulder and a long, narrow, natural rock-bridge leading to it. Upon closer inspection, I see man lying there, asleep. I approach quietly, I didn't know there was any other humans here. I stand a few feet away, the person in full view.

His long hair reached halfway down his back, waves of black sprawled around his head like a kind of halo. His skin is lightly tanned, like the color of khaki, and all of his features soft. He looked to be in his early twenties, but had no stubble of any kind. I moved closer, he was skinny but not muscular. I look at his fingers, long and thin. I called them skeleton fingers because they were long and bony but attractive in the way they were the perfect size for playing the little black keys on piano with ease.

The man's eyes flash open, and I realize they are hazel, but unlike mine, they are much more piercing.

"Who are you, girl, and why are you here?" he asked, leaning up as the blanket fell around his waist, exposing his bare chest.

It was very scarred by many blade and gunshot wounds. I tried to ignore it, so I didn't cringe.

"My name is Alanna," I say, right before being interrupted.

"Pan brought you." he says more as a statement than a question.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

He laughs coldly, "He is the only 'native' to have the ability to fly between the stars." His voice has a jealous edge to the poetic words.

"As to why I'm here," I said awkwardly, trying to change the subject. "Peter swept my twin and I away from our mother." I shift from foot to foot. Reminding myself to breathe. Sometimes, I forget.

He seems to find this amusing. He stands and puts on a white, baggy, kind of shirt (one I'd only seen in pirate movies) over his black pants that were like slacks, but casual.

"Why did he take you away? Did you not get enough toys on Christmas as a child?" he laughs. I almost want to punch that pretty face of his.

"I was abused, so was my brother." He stops and regards me with a solemn smile, he moves closer and I notice he's about 6 foot 6, hovering over me as my face is in line with his chest.

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