He has a Lot to Explain

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I waited in the living room along with all my brothers who were dying to see my date...

You got the sarcasm??

Sam kept tossing a football towards Dean and Evan with a bored expression.

Casper was talking to Vi..
Yeah... At least something good..

Brad was doing something on his laptop and me?

I was glaring daggers at them.
Once in a while one of them glanced at me and conveniently ignored my glares.

My brothers! What can I say!!

It is almost 7.. David should be here any moment..
I don't know what we are gonna do today..

Gosh! I don't even have his number!!

Not that I can't get it..
But what will I do with it?

Oh really don't care if he doesn't come! It's not like I am dying to go out with him.

But may be he likes me?

Jeez no!

No more drama in my life!
My life is already full of drama!!

No more now!!

I will just tell him the truth that I was going because of Satan and nothing else!
He will understand it..

Yeah! This will do!

"What are you thinking little ghost?" Casper asked me.

"I am thinking how to kill someone without leaving any clue behind.." I said.

"Oh... Whom you are planning to kill???" Sam asked showing sudden interest.

Dean passed him a glare and shut up.

That's when the door bell rang.

Evan got up before anyone and walked to open the door.
I don't complain though.. He isn't planning on killing David as Dean or Sam.

Casper's eyes were fixed on the door and Evan opened it in slow motion to reveal Jones.

He was wearing a black tshirt and dark blue denims.

He doesn't look bad after all..

He looked out of place as my brothers glared daggers at him.

He looked at me and I offered him a pale, apologetic, sympathetic smile.

"And you are??" Evan asked him quite rudely to be specific.

"David Jones...?" He kinda asked Evan..

I heard Casper scoff beside me.
I glared at him and he smirked.

"Invite the guy in Ev..." Brad said not moving his gaze from the laptop.

Brother Braddon...
He is gonna behave like my dad!!

Not that Evan and Dean aren't behaving.. But Brad.. It's a different story..

Evan just shifted a little and David entered the house.

He looked at Dean and smiled not to mention didn't earn any reaction from Brother...

Of course!

Then he looked at me and rest of my brothers.. Casper and Sam passed him a identical glare..

Christ! They both look so similar!!

Vi waved at him and he smiled confused.

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