Getting to know the guys

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Phil's POV
Coming out of Victoria's Secret was kinda awkward but dan is an awkward person and I can add on to that as well.
I'm about to ask dan why he looks scruffy and why his hair is a mess when y/n speaks.
" well it was nice to meet you two but I better head off. " she says but before she turns and leaves I blurt out.
" y/n please wait." She looks at me for a moment and then my motor mouth pipes up again.
" dan has hogged you all day and I didn't really get to meet or know you. Please come over to our place and have tea or something. I really want to get to know you. You seem like a cool person. " I say and notice a genuine smile crawl onto her lips as she blushes slightly.
Looking me in the eye with her astounding e/c eyes before giving a cute nod with a
" I would love to phil. " and walks up to me so we can talk.
Out of the corner of my eye I swear I see dan smile with a blush as he watches y/n walk by my side.
Le magic time skip coz it's my mates birthday and I said so.
Your POV
As you reach dan and phil's place a sigh of content leaves your lips.
You had been walking all day and your legs are still shaky due to yours and dans private time.
Dan grabs his keys out of his pocket and opens the door gesturing for me and phil to enter.
" m'lady. My good sir. " he says as you pass him.
He's bowing and has a super cheesy smile.
" thank you. What a gentleman. " you say giggling as he enters closing the door behind him.
" so y/n. Do you want a tour of our new home?" Phil says with a childish glint in his eyes as he stares into yours.
" of course. " you say taking your coat off only for it to my taken off of you by dan and placed on the coat rack.
Smiling and mouthing ' thanks ' you turn back around and follow phil.
Tiny time skip coz meh.
After Phil shows you around you both head back to the living room.
Dan was of course sat in his browsing position.
His laptop was open onto tumblr and from what you saw he was looking at punk edits of himself.
" you know dan. You would suit snake bites or maybe a septum piercing. "
Dan jumps slightly at your words and looks at you with this playful glare.
" you know it's rood to hover over people when they are doing things by themselves. "
You giggle lightly and phil walks into the room with 3 mugs.
" right I didn't know what you liked y/n so I just made you a normal tea. " he says handing you your mug. 
•You spend a couple of hours at their place, getting to know them as they get to know you.
You leave at about 6 pm. •
" well it was great to meet you two but I really have to get back to my place to get ready for work. If you need me my number is ***********. Bye. " you hug them both and walk back to your place.
It actually wasn't to far from dan and phil's.
Upon entering you throw your shit into a corner and walk up to your room to flop onto your bed.
5 minutes later and your grey and white long hair cat , suki comes over and nuzzles the top of your head, purring all the while.
" okay. Okay. I'm up. So suki what should I wear to work today? " you say walking over to your wardrobe.
She meows and you act like she is talking to you.
" I guess your right. Revealing shorts and a very small belly top. Some high tops. Yes I'm sure all the drunk guys at the bar would love this. Don't you?" You say holding your outfit in your hands, looking over your shoulder for confirmation from suki.
She meows again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ le time skip
You clock in for your shift at a bar at 7 ish.
Walking to your station you already have to put up with rowdy men commenting on your ' uniform '.
Handing them drinks and asking for IDs occasionally.
Just a normal day and I'm gonna be stuck here until 2 is coz I'm closing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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