XII. Change of Plans

Start from the beginning

She was transported back to that night when she first opened her eyes through the intense pain.

"I see yer awake," her uncle's voice said.

"Mama..." Sophia mumbled, calling someone without a face—someone she knew she ought to know but didn't. "Mama!"

"Sophie. Sophie," someone was saying. "Sophia, open your eyes, darling."

She shook her head. The pain was too much.



Sophia opened her eyes and found a shadow hovering over her.

She screamed and pushed with her hands. "Bloody hell!"

Sophia scrambled out of bed as Aabha jumped on the man, intent to attack, and started to bark.

"Bloody hell!" Nicholas screamed again.

It was only then that Sophia realized what was happening.

"Aabha! Stop!" she cried out. Sophia kneeled beside the bed and held out her hand. Aabha's white form was atop Nicholas, growling at him. "Shhh... it is okay, Aabha. It is okay," she gently said, reaching for the dog. "Keep still, my lord," she ordered to Nicholas. "Aabha, come here, darling."

Aabha hesitated but eventually turned away from Nicholas and joined her on the floor. "Good girl," she whispered, petting the dog's head. "Stay away, Brigid, the show is over," she ordered the black cat which was slowly making its way toward them. It slipped under the bed and disappeared. Aabha joined it a moment later.

"Bloody hell, Sophie," Nicholas gasped from the center of the bed. "What the bloody hell happened?"

"A nightmare," she simply said, standing to her feet. "I will ring for tea," she nonchalantly uttered. "Then perhaps you can read to me what happens to the bandits and the prince."


"And you say that she had never allowed herself to fall asleep before?" Ralph asked.


"And you believe that having fallen asleep now and experiencing a nightmare is an improvement?" his brother droned, lacing his words with sarcasm.

"Well, of course. I assume that the nightmares must be the reason why she never wanted for us to share a nap together."

Ralph groaned. "You have been spending too much time with our sisters, brother. You are romanticizing nightmares!"

Nicholas tightened his jaw. Perhaps Ralph was correct. What he just said mirrored what Ysabella or Emma would have said.

"And you are utterly certain the exchange shall happen within a fortnight?"

"It was what was written on the paper. I know how to read, brother."

Ralph nodded. "Then the Guards shall be there. And they will be there?"

"It was stipulated that the receiver will be there to inspect the slaves with his own eyes and the other to inspect the money."

A glint of excitement flashed before Ralph's eyes. "Then we will be there to catch them."

A long silence followed before Ralph looked at Nicholas and asked, "What do you intend to do with the woman if this exchange turns into our favor?"

Nicholas shrugged. "I shall forget her, of course. It will be fairly easy. Rock'oles is not the only place there is."

Ralph chuckled. "I am quite certain you have already done your best to ensure she will never forget you."

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