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Max's parents leave Tuesday, which would be tomorrow.
{Your POV}

"Beep beep beep beep" Em screamed until I woke up.

"If you don't shut up I will kill you, hide your body, and dance on your grave" I said not opening my eyes.

She laughed and clapped her hands "No you wouldn't, you'd miss me too much"

I opened one eye "Don't test me"

She laughed at me again "Come on, we gotta get ready"

"But I don't wanna" I whined. The sooner I go there, the sooner I have to face Max.

She sighed and grabbed my hand attempting to pull me up. She just ended up dragging me across the floor. After about two pulls she gave up and sat next to me. I turned my head to look at her. "Look y/n I know you don't wanna face him, I do. But this won't go away unless you confront him."

I sighed knowing she was right "Yeah yeah I know. I'm up Mrs. Alarm clock"

She laughed as I pushed her to the floor and ran to the bathroom.

"Cheater!" She yelled after me.

Time skip to the office

"Ready?" She asked stopping the car.

The entire ride there I thought about what I was gonna say to him. I think Em knew because she didn't say anything at all. I nodded my head as we opened our doors "As I'll ever be"

"I wish you the best of luck" she said as we started our slow walk to the building.

I laughed I had planned to spend all my free time with her. "Thank you so much." I replied sarcastically.

She laughed and we walked the rest of the way talking about random things.

"Bye" I said as we stopped at her office.

"Wait y/n" she called after me as I started to walk away. I turned at hearing my name "Go face your problem"

I smiled and started walking again. And I will face my problem, just hopefully not till later in the day. That is still facing the problem. I walked to the wall that was next to the editor station and looked around the corner. Max was at our station, great. I walked to my station and sat down, hoping he would just continue to work.

"Hey y/n, I brought your salad" he said reaching down, grabbing a box off the ground and handing it to me.

"Thanks" I said grabbing the box.

I powered on my computer and realized I didn't have a schedule.

Max looked over at me and asked "Are you okay? You seem different"

"Yeah I'm fine" I said getting up "I need to get my schedule from Em, I'll be back"

I turned and started walking to Ems office. As soon as I turned I saw her leaning on the wall, most likely listening.

I smiled as she held up my schedule "You were listening" I said grabbing my schedule.

"And you were not facing your problem" she answered back.

No words MithzanXreader [dis-continued]Where stories live. Discover now