Chapter 13: The Truth

Start from the beginning

"Okay. So maybe I did it once." Heba said.

"It's not like we were doing anything wrong." Yugi said.

"Well, how about telling us how you two met?" Atemu asked.

"Well, we met at my restaurant." Atemu said.

"You were eating there, Yugi?" Heba asked,

"No, Heba. Apparently, you forgot that I work there. I'm the assistant chef at the restaurant." Yugi said.

Atemu frowned. "Since when do you fraternize with the employees at your restaurant?" Atemu asked.

"Would you like an answer or not?" Yami snapped.

Atemu glared at his brother, but said nothing.

"The day that I broke up with Tanisha I went to the restaurant to eat. I had tried a new dish, and when I found out that the assistant chef was the one who came up with it, so I wanted to meet him." Yami said.

"That was the first time we met. We met against the next day when we both ended up in the same coffee shop. We just started talking, and Yami eventually ended up asking me out." Yugi said.

"After Tanisha showed her ass, that is." Yami muttered.

"What did she do?" Heba asked.

"She pretty much dressed up like a prostitute. When I saw her, I wondered how much she charged. She was trying to get under Yami's skin by asking me out." Yugi said.

"Given you're gay, I'm guessing that you turned her down." Heba said.

"Yes, I did. I turned her down fast. I wasn't about to go out with her. I didn't even know her name." Yugi said.

"Anyway, we went out the next night, and we just stayed together after that." Yami said.

"Any reason that you never told us that you were dating each other?" Heba asked.

"Well, the truth is that until I fell into Yami at the club, we didn't even realize that fact. The fact that the background stories we gave were similar, we never did actually say your names to each other, so we never really put two and two together." Yugi said.

"Well, I guess Heba and I can be faulted with that, too. We were telling each other pretty much the exact same thing about you guys, but it never hit us that you could have been together. We just didn't put things together. I guess we were all kind of ignorant in that regard." Atemu said.

"So, you two have really been together for five months?" Heba asked.

"Yes, we have." Yugi answered.

"Has worked changed for you then, Yugi?" Atemu asked.

"No. One thing that I said was that our relationship couldn't affect my job in any way." Yugi said.

"And it hasn't." Yami said.

"Well, I guess that does answer a lot of things." Atemu said.

"By the way, when are Tea and Tristan coming here?" Yami asked.

"Oh. They're going to be getting here tomorrow." Atemu answered.

"Did they know that you two are dating?" Heba asked.

"Yes, they do. They actually met Yugi already. And before you even ask, no they didn't know that you two were our brothers. Well, as far as Yugi goes, anyway." Yami said.

"We were thinking that you intentionally kept it a secret." Atemu said.

"No. We never realized it ourselves." Yugi replied.

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