Chapter 12: Playing games & Awkward Situations

Start from the beginning

"We might as well sit down and get you-" Atemu started.

"Atemu, you finish that statement, and you're sleeping on the couch until this baby is born." Heba said with a glare.

Atemu shut his mouth, and the two went to sit down with Seto and Joey.

"Mind telling me what that was all about?" Yugi asked when he and Yami were alone.

"Can you tell me how me never noticed that our brothers were dating? I mean, we gave the same background story for them." Yami said.

"I have no idea, but you and I have to be the most ignorant people that ever lived." Yugi said.

"You're not joking there. There was so much that we mentioned that should have told us that our brothers were together. I don't know how we could be so blind and stupid." Yami said.

The bartender came up to them and said, "What can I get you?"

"A scotch." Yugi said.

"Same thing." Yami answered.

The bartender nodded and went to get the drinks.

"I don't get how we missed this one." Yami said.

"Yami, you didn't answer my question. Why didn't you just tell them that we know each other and are dating?" Yugi asked.

Yami smirked. "You have no idea how many games Atemu played on me as kids and teenagers. When he started dating Heba, they both started playing games on me. I wanted a chance to get a little payback, and the fact that they have no idea that we are dating gives me the best way to get back at them." Yami said.

"Well, Heba did do that to me a lot when we were younger, too. I guess a little payback won't be a bad idea as long as we don't take it too far." Yugi said.

"We won't. All we'll do is pretend that we don't know each other and act like we're getting to know each other. No one will get hurt in all this." Yami said.

"As long as we tell them before we leave." Yugi said.

"We'll tell them in a day or two." Yami said.

"Okay. I guess this will be okay." Yugi said.

"At least we get to act like we do know each other at night." Yami said with a smirk.

Yugi looked away, blushing. "Knock it off unless you want to blow this all up now." Yugi said.

"All right. I'll stop." Yami said.

The bartender returned with their drink.

The two took their drinks and started to drink them.

"Yami, you didn't drive the car, did you?" Yugi asked.

"Nah. The place that we ate at was in walking distance, so I just walked there. We then walked here." Yami replied. He chuckled and said, "Yugi, I'm not foolish enough to get an alcoholic drink if I was going to be driving."

"Okay. Just making sure." Yugi replied."So, how's it going?" Joey asked.

Yugi jumped. "Joey, don't do that!" Yugi scolded, swatting Joey in the arm. "You almost gave me a heart attack." Yugi said.

"Sorry, Yug. Really didn't mean to do that. Just wondered how you two were doing." Joey said.

"Puppy, will you leave them alone. They won't be able to get to know each other if they don't have some time to talk alone." Seto said before he grabbed Joey and pulled him away.

"Joey hasn't changed, and I doubt that he ever will." Yugi remarked.

"I always wondered how their relationship worked, considering the fact that they argue all the time." Yami said, sipping his drink.

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