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well, i'd say everything has been kind of going by in a blur. ever since the triplets have decided on the skating contest, everything has gone by pretty fast. victor decided to do our programs and of course with my luck i ended up getting the most sexual skating routine i could probably ever imagine.

but besides that everything has been ok,  you know when you have to work out with a 15 year old you can feel pretty confident.

 but over the past week or so i've learned a whole lot about both victor and yuri(o), for example both seem to have ice skates as their tattoo. specifically yurio's is one with half a bear on it while victors is just half a skate.

as much as i'd wish victors was the other half to mine, there are loads of people who have a skate as their soulmate tattoo.  for all i know his soulmate could be in the grand prix finals!


so tomorrow is the competition, i don;t think i've ever messed up on this program so much. god my anxiety over this is awful! everytime i try to actually do well on my routine i mess up and my heart pounds so loud you could hear it from miles away!

i tried to do the routine one more time, victor watching me close, as i glide across the rink i think back to yurio skating to his agape routine. he finally found his true agape and of course me being the mess up has little to no idea of what my eros is besides me stupidly blurting out pork cutletbowls.

of course i flump up everything  beside the step sequence. honestly all of this has been a shit storm.

as i glide off the ice to the benches near the rink, i see victor walking towards me. i don't mind it, i just focus on getting off the damn ice. as i sit down onto the bench looking down at my skates just wondering where i messed up in well life, i feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

i look over to see victor looking at me with a smile, not one that showed pity towards me but more of a genuine one. my eyes gaze over his face waiting for anything to happen until he speaks. "you know yuri, i'm proud of you-" the words filling my mind with slight confidence, yet also adding a small blush to  my cheeks.

before i can protest and say otherwise he continues speaking, "i gave you this program because i know you're strong, and you can skate so well to this and it is amazing to watch you grow." he says causing the blush on my  cheeks to rise, spreading to my ears. i swear i saw him coming closer, maybe it was just me.

one of his hands was brought up to my jaw line, applying only a little pressure, bringing my face closer to his, it looks as if he was going to kiss me. and he does, it's soft and delicate. i felt my face somehow getting redder and my hands making there way to his neck.

i hear him softly say "yuri?"

the another time yet a little louder, "yuri?!"


i shook my head regaining my self back from my mind wander .i feel my face heat up. i look up to victor as he sits down next to me, "yuri i wanted to say good luck tomorrow, have some confidence in yourself ok." he says as he pats my thigh in a kind manner sitting back up.

i watch victor walk away and all i can say is 

god damn my brain.

hey guys! it's been a while so i hope you enjoy this chapter!! thank you all for your kind support and i'm so sorry for being a tease;)))

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