Chapter 2

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Beth woke up in a unfamiliar place and remembered what happened, she had been kidnapped and now she was chained to a bed both hands chained together. She didn't even try to pull on them cause she knew they were to strong for her so instead she looked around to see she was alone. She pulled herself up as best as she could till she was sitting up.

The room was clean except for the male clothes by a chair furthest from the door. She really wished that she knew where she was and who took her, most of all she wanted to know how she was going to get out of here. The door opened making her come out of her thoughts. She glared at Daryl as he walked in with a tray of food.

"Who the fuck do you think you are kidnapping me!" She yelled. He ignored her and moved towards her side of the bed.

"Don't come any closer." He ignored her again and set the tray on the nightstand. Beth looked at the tray to see it was her chinese food. He picked up a fork and stabbed a piece of sweet and sour chicken then dipped it in some sweet and sour sauce before bring it to her mouth, when she didn't open her mouth he sighed.

"Open your mouth Beth" he said.

"How do you know my name and how do I know it isn't poisoned?" She asked making him eat the chicken while he staring into her eyes. She sighed and let him feed her.

"I checked your ID" he said.

"Why me, why kidnap me?"

"You're beautiful" he said as he fed her the last of the food.

"That's not a reason to kidnap someone." Beth said.

"I wanted you so I took you." He said standing up.

"Don't you think I might have a family that will look for me?" She asked. He paused for a second before shaking his head.

"They won't find you." He said.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because we aren't in Atlanta anymore." He said. A look of pure terror swept over her face.

"Then where are we?" She asked.

"New Orleans" he said.

"Oh my god" she said.

"I'll be back a little later, try to get some sleep." He said then turned and turned on the TV to Animal Planet before heading for the door.

"Let me go right now." She said. He just ignored her and left the room, Beth then broke down in tears. Her family must be so worried about her.

Daryl felt like such an ass for kidnapping her but when he first saw her he just knew he had to have her, so he grabbed a bottle of chloroform and rag from his truck and poured the chloroform on the rag then he waited in the alley for her to leave the restaurant and when she did he attacked. Once she was out he picked her up and put her in her car before driving out of Atlanta. He got rid of her truck once he got to his new place, he had one of his groupies pick up his truck and bring it here to New Orleans.

"So what are you going to do with the girl?" Sarah asked. Daryl looked up at his mother and shrugged.

"You kidnapped this poor girl and you are telling me you don't know what you are going to do with her!" She yelled.

"Mom, I saw her and I couldn't keep my eyes off her, she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and her kidnapping was a spur of the moment decision." He said. Sarah sighed then patted her son's shoulder.

"Just don't get caught cause I can't lose you." She said.

"Okay" he said.

Hope you liked it

Kidnapped By A DixonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora