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Tommy's pov

Y/n....... why can't I get her out of my mind?! "I'm almost at the offices." I really hope y/n isn't there. Oh what am I kidding Cory probably invited her to come to talk to her. I might ask Nick or Uni about this. "Huh that was fast." I saw Jon's car but he was talking to someone in the car? Huh.

Y/n pov

"Alright Jon whatever." "Hey I was nice enough to bring you with me!" "Ok can I go see my brother and your boyfriend now?" "DAWNS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!" "Yeah says you're blushing face." Jon has huge crush on Dawn. Me and f/f are the only ones that know. I think it's really cute, f/f could care less. "I'm going on see you later!" I ran inside and saw a big red door I looked in and saw a girl packing things up. I opened the door and she looked over at me. "Is this who you're leaving me for Cory?!" I'm confused. "huh?" Cory saw me and walked over hugging me. "I'm confused bro." "Bri this is my sister." "Oh... then who is it?! Is it Ashlie?" "No Bri please just leave." "Fine." This Bri girl which I'm assuming is Corys now ex-girlfriend seems pretty pissed. "I'm sorry Y/n." "It's fine." I hugged Cory then heard the door open. I saw Jon, Dawn and Tommy all walking in. I ran to them and jumped on Dawn. "H-hi y/n. You scared me for a second there." "Hi Dawn!" He hugged me and put me down.

Tommy's pov

Y/n's here..... of course.

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