“I’m going to be sick” Quill said running out the room just as Seth pulled me onto his lap

I pulled back needing air and I laughed

“You guys done? I wanna watch the movie now” someone said as I stared into Seth’s eyes and smiled

“No. Bed now guys” I said glaring at them all making the squirm under my gaze

“No!” Embry yelled at me and crossed his arms over his chest

“Sweetie I will move you myself” I said smiling slightly

“ALRIGHT I’M MOVING” He yelled while bolting it out the living room door to his room

“I’m right behind you” Logan said

He was then accompanied buy a stamped of the guys

I had to laugh

I checked the time, it was three in the morning and my phone had been going off none stop from my mom and dad

Heyya guys, I am fine that’s all you need to know. Merry Christmas by the way and I should see you soon.

You guys also have prezzies under the tree

I love you guys

C x

 And I just stuffed my phone into Seth’s jacket pocket and left it

I snuggled into Seth when I heard the car rolling a few miles down the road and she was purring

Beautimous. That’s what she was

“Come on Seth” I said standing and holding out my hand for him to take

“My present isn’t too far away is it?” he sighed guessing

“Maybe but seriously come on. Sam can bring my MacDonald’s to me” I said still looking down at him

“Fine” he said standing but then he did something I was not prepared for

He chucked me over his shoulder

“SETH PUT ME DOWN” I screamed as he ran up the stairs and down the hall to his room

There was cat calls and wolf whistles as we passed the bedrooms that everyone was occupying

I saw the door shut behind us and I was chucked onto Seth’s bed

“Was that needed?” I asked “Because I could have walked” I finished

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