"Hey that's what we are here for."

We watch Spongebob until everyone else gets up and surprisingly I find out a lot of things about Caden.  I have to say he's a pretty cool guy.
Finally after an hour after I woke up, the others are starting to wake up. Man I never realized how Christiana is a deep sleeper.  Unlike Tris who's isn't.  Scratch that. She sometimes can be it just depends. God I miss her.

Christiana came walking into the living room at some time close to eleven o'clock.  She sat down next to me and smiled up at me.

"Good morning beautiful."  I kiss her cheek then I force a smile onto my face.

"Good morning."  Christiana says back and pecks my lips. 

"You call that a kiss?"

"Fuck off peter!"  Christiana says while giving him the finger.  Caden and I laugh while Peter frowned.  Christiana turns to me with a questioning look.  "When did you get all buddy buddy with them?"

"When you were sleeping."

"Whatever."  I hear Lily moan and look over to see her stretching along with Luke.  Well that's the last of them.

"Finally you guys are awake."  Caden says then he sighs. 

"Well a girl needs her beauty sleep."

"You're such a sissy."

"I second that."  Christiana says and raises her hand.  "A girl needs her sleep so she can look her best."

"You might not be that bad after all."  Lily says with a smile towards Christiana.

"Want to grab some lunch anybody?"  Peter suggests and we all nod our heads.  We walk out to the cafeteria to get lunch and we sit at a table together.  We seem to be getting along better and even Lily is getting along with Christiana which I am happy about.  Peter keeps on glancing my way and keeps on giving me this look.  I think he is still suspicious about us to be honest.  I will make him believe.

We joke around and after eating we decide to walk around the compound.  We didn't really have an idea of where we were going but everyone seems fine with that. We were fooling around in the hallways and we are getting along much better than last night since we know each other a little more.

I have my hand in Christiana's while we walk then I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Peter.

"I dare you kiss the first person you see when you go down the hallway."


"Just do it." I looked around at everyone and sighed. I guess I could go along with it.

"Fine." I walk down the hallway and it didn't take long to bump into a person. I lean down and kiss the person's lips but it only lasted for a second. I pulled back and I swear that the universe is messing with me. I kissed Jessica.

"Fuck." I whispered under my breath.

"So you love Christiana uh?"

"Oh shut up Jessica. It was just a dare that's all."

I walked away and I wiped my mouth from that disgusting kiss. I came back to the group and I know Jessica can see me so I went to Christiana.

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