"Thanks Faith."

We smile at each other as we make it to the dojo. Suddenly my nervousness jumps up about two hundred percent.

"So, uh... they aren't allowed to hurt me right?"

Buffy hugs me with the arm she has around my shoulder.

"Relax Dawn, it'll be all right."

Yeah that's a big help.

"Just, just go over the rules for me again, so I don't freak out. They aren't allowed to hurt me. Like, break my leg or anything?"

My sister, my almost girlfriend, and their best friend all laugh a little at me

"No, they're not allowed to do any permanent damage. They're only allowed to use enough force to keep you down for a ten count, or make you say uncle. And if any of them even try to break either of your legs, I'll break theirs."

"And I'll break the other."

Aww, it's so nice of them to be so protective of me.

"Then I'll send them to an alternate dimension."

They all laugh as Buffy takes her arm off my shoulder and opens the door for all of us. We go inside to see the class hanging around the main room. Tess, Carmen and Candy off to one side with the rest of the slayers spread out.

Buffy hired Tess as an assistant. If Buffy ever isn't going to make it to class on time for any reason, she calls Tess and she opens up when Buffy can't. Then Buffy gets there when she can and they start training. Buffy kind've insisted on it, even though Tess isn't a slayer she's a good person and has helped us out with research in a few of the demon attacks.

Buffy and Faith make their way into the middle of the room to draw the attention of the class.

I guess now's the time. I've got to put my money where my mouth is, and so do all these slayers. Wow this is massively nerve racking.

"All right class, good to see you're all here like we asked."

My sister turns to Willow for a split second, pointing out the way to the training room.

"The training room is over there, if you want to get started."

Willow just smiles at Buffy before heading off where she's directed.

"Thanks Buff..."

As Willow goes, she catches my eye.

"I'll call when I need you."

All I do is nod to the redheaded witch. Buffy continues.

"Like I mentioned a few days ago, Faith and I have lined up a challenge for the class today. We didn't tell you what it was, because this will be a test of your skills and ability to adapt to a curve ball when it's thrown at you."

Faith takes it from there.

"That redhead that just passed by and you'll meet later. She's the most powerful witch in this hemisphere and a good friend of ours. She's going to be helping us with a little spell that will help us with this exercise."

Buffy butts in, it's almost like they've been planning this speech together.

"You're all very strong, and you've learned a lot from us in this class. But some of you seem to have gotten the impression that there isn't anything more you can learn. You'd be dead wrong about that."

Faith gets that commander-type posture with a firm look on her face that's actually pretty sexy.

"Now we could go ahead and spar with each one of you and show you how wrong you are, but you already know that we're stronger than the rest of you. Most of you are aware that we're faster and smarter than all of you and could take you down in a second if we had half a mind to. And where's the lesson in that? So instead, we've brought someone in. Someone you wouldn't think could get the better of you... but they can."

Just a Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz