Chapter 4: We stick together.... No matter what

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Chapter 4: We stick together.... no matter what.


Well so this chapter is in a mixed POV. Both Claire and her dad. I cannot believe how many people are enjoying this so far. Please review and tell me what you think.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

Logan's POV:

After leaving Wildcat Jean leads me to my room. She turns the light on but I stand in the doorway.

"I think you'll be comfortable in here," she tells me as she walks around the room.

I decide to make chitchat.

"Where's your room?" I ask her walking forwards into the room.

I try to make the question sound casual but I don't think she sees it that way.

"With Scott down the hall," she tells me.

I pause as I open the door to my wardrobe. I really like Jean but it is clear that she likes Cyclops. This makes me dislike the guy even more.

"Is that your gift?" I say sarcastically as she turns to face me. "Putting up with that guy."

She pauses.

"Actually I am like Claire," She tells me and I wonder what she means. "I'm telekinetic. I can move things with my mind."

I decide to try my luck with flirting. I ask another question as I walk forwards. "Really, what kinds of things?"

I jump a little as the wardrobe doors close behind me. I realise that Jean did that.

"All kinds of things," she confirms smiling. "I also have some telepathic abilities."

I realise that is what Xavier has.

"What like your professor?" I ask.

She shakes her head at me.

"Nowhere near that powerful," she says looking down. "But he's teaching me to develop it."

I move forwards again until I am stood right in front of her.

"I'm sure he is," I say and I can tell that she is a little mesmerised by my flirting. "So read my mind."

She shakes her head looking a little uncomfortable.

"I'd rather not," she says quietly.

"Come on," I encourage her, really wanting her to try and read my mind. "You afraid you might like it?"

She smiles a little at that. "I doubt it."

I don't say anything but continue to smile at the beautiful woman stood before me. There is a moment of awkward silence between the two of us. I cannot help but wonder what it would be like to be with her.

She then finally makes a move. She raises both her hands towards my head. She doesn't touch me just leaves a little space between her hands and my head. I keep my eyes focused on her as she closes her own.

After a minute or two she opens her eyes shocked. She goes to quickly move her hands away, but I grab her wrists.

"What do you see?" I ask wondering what had startled her so much.

She then glances at the door. "Scott?"

I turn to look and see Cyclops in the door way. He doesn't look happy, but quiet frankly I don't care. I do look away from Jean though.

"Good night, Logan," Jean says as she walks towards the door.

I sigh. She leaves the room. I can tell that Cyclops is still there but I am not facing him. I smirk as I finally turn to look at him. There is no sign of what he is feeling. He is just frowning at me.

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