The Only Faith {3}

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The last three classes of the day passed the same as the first three; teachers threatened and hit kids, rulers became weapons, and no one approached me. But, on the bright side, I made it through the end of my classes without getting shanked.

I checked my dorm assignment and the little map of campus they'd given me. The stream of kids on the sidewalks moved along, people going to their dorms or to the dining hall or to be with friends.

I wandered along until I found my building, swiping my I.D. to get in. I went up to the second floor and searched until I found my room a little ways along.

Unlocking it and letting myself in, I flicked the lights on and looked around. Ted had oh so kindly dumped my stuff on the floor.

I moved over to the boxes of my stuff, trying not to focus on how few belongings I had. I dragged the box of my clothes over to the closet and began putting them away, cringing as I took out the Constance Academy uniform.

Black slacks, white button up shirt, maroon vest, and a few dark ties to pick from. I hastily got those out of my sight.

As I put the rest of my clothes away, I looked over at my roommate's side. His bedcover was a swirl of black and white, unmade. His desk was a mess, papers tossed all around. He had a few things taped up on the walls, little posters and notes people had left him.

I dragged my attention away once my clothes were all put away. I moved onto my bed, setting it up.

I worked my way through my room, setting up my desk and reading the dorm rules. This place just kept sounding more and more like a prison.

There was a curfew in the dorms and no sleepovers were permitted. There were quiet hours and kids assigned to monitor the hallways. It seemed that there were two kids assigned to each wing of the dorms.

I set the rules in the top drawer of my desk and looked at the bed. It was unnecessarily high up from the ground, earning a scowl from me. Just one more way to make my life hell.

I heard voices outside my room and braced myself as the door opened. I spun to face my roommate.

Okay, look, I was expecting a lot of things. I was expecting a thug to come in and kick my ass, I was expecting a kid to come in here waving a knife at me, I was expecting someone with decent manners to come in and pretend I wasn't here.

I wasn't expecting Beckett and Fagan to come in.

"Alright, which one of you am I stuck with?" I said as they noticed me.

"That would be me!" Fagan said, raising his hand. "Beck doesn't live in the dorms."

"You don't?" I said in confusion.

"I live in town. I commute," he said, seating himself on Fagan's desk.

"I figured you were my roommate. But I thought it'd be more fun to leave it a surprise," Fagan said, carelessly tossing his schoolbag off to the side.

"She's insufferable sometimes!" Tessa said, storming into the room and shaking her head. "Honestly, all the damn roommates and I get stuck with Brooke."

"What'd she do that has you bitching so much?" Beckett said.

"Sometimes we get along and sometimes I want to slit her throat. She's been letting her friends borrow my textbooks! How am I supposed to do my homework?" Tessa said, crossing her arms and leaning on Fagan's bed.

The Only Faith [boyxboy]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें