The sight was a city. Its buildings and sky scrapers were bended and twisted in arcs, with flashing colorful lights, and loud deafening music booming the air that was worse than Mabel's. A few flying demons could be seen circling around at the center of the city.

"What happened here?" Wendy spoke up, staring at the distorted city.

"They've turned New York into a night club." Ford stepped up, looking ahead.

"Cool." Soos commented.

We each shot a glare at him. "I mean...not cool, dudes."

"So what's the agenda?" I ask.

"Sneak in, get supplies, and rescue any one we find." He listed bluntly. He passed me one of his high tech rifles and passed weapons to the others.

"Alright same groups: me and Stan. Mabel, Soos and Wendy. Jeff, Multi-bear and Ellaisabel. We meet back up here later, got it?" Ford announced.

"Hey! How come its always monsters and monsters, not humans with monsters? Thats racist!" Jeff proclaimed.

"Because princess peggy here is a stuck up bratty jerk." Wendy pointed her thumb at pink pony thing.

"I'm still not apologizing, you red head caveman!" It turned its head away up high.

"You forcefully tried to marry me!" Mabel bellowed, pointing accusingly.

"Oh can't we move on cupcake?" Jeff says in a charismatic tone, inching closer. Mabel cocked her techy grappling hook and has it dangerously a centimeter away from the shrimps face.

"Don't start." Mabel threatened. Now that was a scrapbook opportunity, wheres my camera?

"Can we please just leave?" Ford groaned. Mabel group disperse first, soon followed by Jeff mumbling something about 'queen.'

Me and Ford set on our own path towards the city. The trip was silent, with my rifle lazily leaning on my right shoulder. Soon we entered what was known as New York. Not a single demon or eyeball came across our path. Everything was quiet aside from our tapping steps on the gravel road littered with debris. Aisle of buildings with shattered windows on every floor, my eyes taking in the distopian city, searching for a market or some sort that we would need.

"See anything yet, Ford?"

"Actually, I think I do." His eyes were narrowed fixed on something. He then pointed, far ahead what appears to be a store at the end of the hallway of buildings.

I unlatched my rifle from my shoulder cocking it. It hummed as energy charged up inside. I nodded towards my brother as he took lead, racing towards the store with our backs slouched and heads low. We took refuge a behind a broken car, as we peered our heads up to see what we found: a pawn shop.

I stepped out from my spot examining the structure head to toe. "Well, this was a bust." I remarked.

"Still, something of value can be found." Ford step up staring at the shop.

"In this heap?"

"You'll be surprised of what you'll find in places you'll least expect." He said in a matter in-fact tone.

The ground trembled slightly, as loud stomps became ear shot. We dived into the shop, watch as a pair of large, hairy stumpy feet walk past the road, crushing the car we hid earlier. The loud stomps slowly eased, as they faded somewhere. I dare to peak my head out slightly scanning the parameter.

I was about to inform that we were in the clear, but we whipped our heads back at a loud thud. From the sea of littered old antiques, narrowing my eye I spotted a shadow dash from a gramophone to a stuffed polar bear.

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