RA's Back To Quoting...

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[this follows a conversation we had out loud....]

RA: Because you're white....

AP: Well thanks -_-

RA: NP...

AP: Mhm ^.^

RA: Your (purposely misused) making me homesick for summer

AP: Summer? Yuck >.<

RA: No comment

AP: I like fall. *brings out food wrapped in foil*

RA: *tries to gasp quietly* [it wasn't that quiet] Steve in disguise. He reincarnated. I'm onto you Steve.

AP: His name is Chad.  

RA: *scribbles in "steve"*  *somehow manages to drop the paper*

AP: Noooo >.< stop being a bully

RA: He was a bully first. She sounds like she has a hang over.   [talking about our english teacher]

AP: You're just full of harsh comments today, aren't you *shakes head* I'm supposed to be the mean one.

RA: Ok

AP: [slightly offended by his lack of response] I see how much this conversation means to you (mock hurt) you already throw [he'd thrown the paper on the floor accidently] why not walk all over it too??

RA: Yeah, ikr?

AP: Those sentences tho....... [english paper with sentences about superheros.......]

RA: "Cuz I don't wanna" for purposes like this. To randomly quote __myfirstnamehere__ Coberly

AP: Only quote famous people >.<

RA: "Nu!"

AP: Fight me -_-

RA: "No." :(

AP: Don't tell me how to live my life! *kicks your shin*

RA: *throws you in a lake*

AP: [this had to do with an rp I did] Only __Namehere__ can do that. You no __Namehere__ Dx

RA: "Can't help it"

AP: You no be __Namehere__ Dx

RA: "Is this news?"

AP: You no be __Namehere__. Omg I can't believe you have a pocket of our notes Dx

RA: "If an enemy knows one's weakness he can use it to his advantage"

AP: Human life has value. Defeat is a state of mind. Outsmart the idiot. Fear is not the enemy. Know who you can trust. Know when to keep a distance. Deliberation. Show no weakness. *sighs*

RA: "Don't sigh at me"

AP: Sue me. Wait... I don't have anything but my personality... If I even have that o-o

RA: 4:3 [that's my signature unicorn] "don't be mad, get glad"

AP: I'm not trash >.<

RA: "*flips table* That's not what I'm saying!"

AP: *draws arrow to that quote* I approve that one.

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