RA Stealing My One Liners!

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AP: Good! Morning! [even though it was clearly afternoon :3]

RA: Orange! County!

AP: :D

RA: ...

AP: I'm in a really good mood!!!

RA: I can see that

AP: What's that supposed to mean (mock hurt)

RA: You seem like super happy

AP:What's that supposed to mean (mock hurt)

RA: You're like really excited.

AP: What's THAT supposed to mean (mock hurt)

RA: Nothing

AP: Lies -_-

RA: Yes, definitely... *voice dripping with sarcasm*

AP: What's THAT supposed to mean?? (you walked right into that :3)

RA: Everything

AP: You walked into that. Admit it!

RA: Admit what?

AP: Exactly -_-

RA: What's that supposed to mean (mock hurt)

AP: Exactly >.< [I wrote that real tiny like] Don't use my one liners against me sir! *slaps you with a fish*

RA: (mock hurt)

AP: *scribbles out mock and writes in physical*

RA: It's okay. I'm fine. Don't be mad, get glad.

AP: Don't call me trash >.<

RA: You walked into that. Admit it! *steals your one liners*

AP: *with a mischievous smile* I didn't "walk" anywhere

RA: Exactly >.<

AP: Stahp it

RA: Fun stuff.

AP: Non! It's fun stuffs! The s! Can't! Forget! The! Ssssssssssss [completely outraged. Not that he's quoting me. But that he's quoting me WRONG!]

RA: [he wrote something there that I can't read because he ripped my paper -_- all I see is...] :3 (And I'm directly quoting you from other convos)

AP: Refroidir!? (chill)

RA: (cool)(that's what google and an online dictionary says)

AP: Those can be altered. Book... not so much. I win. So *sticks tongue out*

RA: Thank you. Greatly appreciated :D

AP: My pleasure *tips hat* Ooooooh qwestion!

RA: What?

AP: Nevermind ^^ I'll ask someone else.

RA: I wanna know!

AP: Non!

RA: Fine

AP: Wait... yeah, no :3

RA: Fair enough ^^

AP: Stop quoting things that don't belong to you! [I wrote "things" in cursive and I was really flipping proud of the s I made]

RA: eh

AP: eprouver mon haine. -_- (feel my hatred) eprouve-le <prob wrong. (feel it)

RA: Have a cookie :D I has a cookie :D

AP: Oui

RA: I lied... [which made me incredibly sad] why hello there. Come on. Really? *I'm running out of __mynamehere__ one liners*

AP: That sounds like a personal problem (There's one)

RA: Okay :D That's all

AP: You forgot my most important one liner

RA: Don't you frickin lie to me

AP: Not that one. I used it this morning.

RA: It's Fricking A-MAZE-BALLS

AP: Not that either

RA: Copperboom      [Gilmore Girls reference] [[watch it]]

AP: Nope

RA: I'm not trash

AP: No! I mean "tiny midget stalker"

[I love how I ended up helping him steal my one liners by the end of this... Way to go, me]

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