Chapter 10

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The voices won't stop. The memories won't stop. The torture won't stop. It won't stop. Tears stream silently down my cheeks as I hold my head in my hands. My ragged breaths and choked sobs fill the room as I mumble "stop" over and over again. Pathetically believing that I can command my demons to stop. I've tried everything and they won't stop. Not without him. But I don't have the heart to go back. I can't go back. I won't. Not after all that's happened. I just need to stay away. I collect myself off the floor and slowly walk to my bathroom. I grab bright purple, bright red, firey orange, and black hair dye. It's about time I dye my hair again. The blue is far too dull.

"Hey so I was wondering if you wanted me to make you a peach marga- whoa what's goin on in here?" Corine says as she rounds the corner into my bathroom, taking in the amount of dye on my counter. There is only one thing me and Corine love more than alcohol and its hair dye. "Alcohol can wait. Sit your dull blue ass in the chair." I giggle and do as I am told.

~5 hours later~

I stand in the mirror and smile brightly at my hair. The shorter underlayer of my hair is black. The rest is ombred. My roots are bright purple which fades to pink, red, orange and yellow near the tips. I couldn't be happier. Laughing, me and Corine race to the kitchen.

"Now it's time for some drinks!" I exclaim as we reach the kitchen. Ro, Jade and Vicky are all sitting at the table with their laptops. They all look up at the sudden ruckus and their eyes widen once they see my fiery curls. "I hope you never plan on trying to blend in with anything because you stick out worse than a sore thumb." Vicky says and we all burst into laughter.

I grab my bowl of cube fruit from the fridge and the frozen cubes from the freezer as Corine grabs vodka and salt. We dip our glasses and I fill the bottoms with fruit. Corine adds the vodka. It amazes everyone how much alcohol I can consume before I get drunk. "Bottoms up bitch!" We tip our glasses back and drain them. The burning liquid barely affects me but Corine struggles to stay on her feet. "Lightweight"

A scream is heard from the upstairs bedroom and loud rushing footsteps follow. Corine and I immediately sober up and take the stairs two at a time. Following the sound of a choked sob, we come to Becky's room. I wasn't aware if Becky was here or not seeing as though I haven't heard from her in a while. Becky usually stayed here because she was always running. Her real name is Rebecca Marie but I've always called her Becky or Erica. She's been my best friend for so long. Even though we fuss and fight 25/8 we still love the living fuck out of each other. But where she was currently, I don't have a clue.

Walking into Becky's room, Jade is holding Vicky while Vicky sobs violently in her arm. "Dead. She's dead! Dead!" She sobs over and over. Rose is in the corner with angry tears streaming down her face. Corine covers her mouth in shock. I finally look to the middle of the room and what I see breaks something in my heart. I turn and punch the wall. A growl from deep inside me leaves my throat, immediately silincing everyone. "I want this entire fucking house cleaned bottom to top. Now! I'll be back later." I growl out as I grab my gun and my keys, walking to my car. I leave my phone behind on purpose.

There my erica was, dead in the middle of her own room. Her throat was slashed open. Her wrists were slit. Her own knife was plunged into her heart. There was so much blood. It was everywhere. But why?

Fury didn't even begin to describe the boiling fire I felt going through my veins. Whoever the FUCK came into MY home and killed MY friend really doesn't know who the fuck they're dealing with. Fuck why did I leave my family behind in that house to deal with that alone? Fucking idiot! I quickly turn the car around and speed back to my house.

Screaming and crying is all I hear when I enter the house. "I can't believe she's fucking dead! What the actual fuck! Fuck!" I look around and see Ro angrily screaming at the wall which is now decorated with holes. Jade is on the couch looking lost. Vicky is huddled in a corner screaming in fear and Corine is trying to comfort her. I sigh in distress and attempt to come up with a way to deal with the current situation and calm everyone down. There aren't many options. I can yell. I can throw something. I just need them quiet. I pull my gun from my waist and and point at the ceiling, mentally making myself a note to get it fixed. I fire two quick shots and the screaming and crying immediately stops as all eyes are trains on me.

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