Chapter 8

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"I'M SORRY! PLEASE! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT!" He screams as I whip him across the chest with my thin leather necklace that I made special for this purpose. Why am I whipping the hell out of him you might ask. Well it's because the first thing I heard when I walked through the doors was "hello sexy" come from the lips of my ex. Not only that but the dog was sitting in my cats chair. I release him from his binds and sit at the table. Oh finally I get to enjoy some heaven! I moan in delight as I night into the sweet chocolatey goodness of my donut. "It's been 3 days why are you still here anyways?" I say in sudden realization. Mark left as soon as he was patched up. "And go where exactly?" He says in an annoyed tone. "What do you mean? Don't you have a place to live." I could've sworn when I left he had somewhere to live. "Times change Kittypup. When you left I was a mess. I didn't know what to do. I fucked everything that walked. I did a lot of bad things. I only came here to find you. Mark knew that only I would know how to break into your house so he invited me along and I accepted. I didn't know you had so many houses though holy fuck! Anyway Kittypup I just wanted to find you. I needed to find you. I don't have anywhere else to go and I don't want to live like I have been. Selling drugs. Doing drugs. Downing cases of beer each night. Please let me say. Please." His eyes are full of sincerity and my heart slightly melts. "Sure. You can stay. But you do anything out of line or try to hurt anyone here then trust and believe Missouri will shoot you and this time I'm not stopping her." I say with venom in my voice then go back to eating my donut like nothing happpened.

I finish my snack and stand up to stretch. My stretching thrusts my breasts forward and Creek growls at the sight. I roll my eyes and walk up the stairs towards my room. "Come on Dickhead. I don't have the other room ready so you'll have to sleep on my floor for tonight." I stop at the hall closet and pull blankets from the linen closet and toss them on my floor and crawl into bed peacefully drifting into sleep as my head hits the pillow.

Oh fuck it's hot. Shit have I already died? I really should've stopped drinking so much. I thought hell would be hotter than this. Damn I over estimated. I open my eyes expecting to see flames but am instead am greeted by the black and maroon walls of my arms. I try to move so I can figure out where the heat is coming from but a pair of steel arms are around my waist and a familiar scent fills my nostrils. I sigh in contentmentbut the waves of heat rolling through me become more and more uncomfortable as each second passes.

I wiggle free of the iron grasp and get out of bed. I silently walk to the door barefoot and walk downstairs. The house is silent telling me everyone went to work seeing the time is 2:46 in the afternoon. I walk to the kitchen and grab a glass of orange juice and hop onto the counter. "Mew" Jack mewls and tries to hop on the counter, failing miserably. I giggle an teach down to pick up the now agitated ball of fluff. "Hey baby boy. Hey baby." I coo and scratch his head as he purrs. I smile and lift him onto my shoulder and walk back to my room to get ready for work.

Walking into my closet, I hiss in pain as my foot hits the shape edge of something. Deciding to worry about it later I pull out heeled combat boots, a corset top and black jeans. "Alright down baby. You can get bacy up once I'm done." I say to jack and he obediently hops down and sits at my feet, waiting. I strip where I'm standing and wiggle my way into my clothes which hug every curve perfectly and push my breasts up to the maximum. I slip into my shoes and jack immediately climbs up my body and onto my shoulder. I laugh and grab my car keys and head to work.

I walk in the door and fuck just in time as a glass is hurled at my head. Why does it seem that everytime I come into work late some shit is happening? I hear shouting and immediately know that Rose and Jade have gotten into an argument. "HEY!" I yell and the arguing stops and I faintly hear someone say "Oh shit. She's mad. Should we run? She probably found- HEY OUCH." Probably Ro. ""Shut up!" Jade says. As I round the corner of the hallway to the back they make themselves look busy. I roll my eyes and set my purse and keys on the counter top and sit in my normal spot behind the counter. "Someone better clean up that broken glass." I say calmly without looking at them and Jade immediately springs to the front to clean it up. Well that tells me who threw it.

Pulling paperwork from the counter I begin to sort and complete whatever was half done. About half way through the pile I feel someone poking me. I roll my eyes and try to ignore it but the annoying poking happens again. It's not the normal someone is poking you with their finger. No this is energy poking me. Signaling the presence of something that's not exactly human. Having the ability of clairvoyance is a real pain in the ass sometimes. So is being clairsentient. Sometimes I really think I should just change my name to Claire.

I continue through the paper work and the poking doesn't stop. Groaning, I close my eyes and will the energy around me to bend into the form of a shield, blocking the spirit from me and my sisters. My phone vibrates next to me and I notice I've been looking down for the past two hours. I unlock my phone and read the message I received

Vicky Anne: aye hoe. Why u leave me here with this fool? Where are you???

Me: I'm at work babygirl I'll be home soon. I love you sugar.

I smile and roll my eyes playfully. I can imagine my little sister groaning in annoyance. I put the paperwork away and grab my purse and keys on my way out of the door. "Hey chica where you going?" Jade says with confusion in her voice. "Home. You two can handle it." I walk out o the door not giving them a chance to argue. Getting into my car, I lean my head againasy the headrest and sigh. I can't do this much longer.

Me: Vicks I'm on my way home. I just got in the car. How are you holding up hon?

Vicky Anne: I handcuffed this bitch to the kitchen table and duck taped his mouth shut.

Me: Ah fuck. I'll be there in 5. Just please I don't want to handle a dead body today.

Vicky Anne: I gotchu boo

I sigh and toss my phone into the passenger seat. I'm so tired of dealing with dead bodies. I've done good this week. I seriously don't need to increase my body count.

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