Chapter 3: What is this place?

Start from the beginning

I wonder what this guy is up to. I just look at him for a few seconds.

"Where am I?" I demand to know.

"Westchester New York," he tells me as he moves around his desk. "My people brought you here for medical attention."

I fought the urge to laugh at that. "I don't need medical attention."

"Yes of course," the professor agreed.

I look around and ask the question I have been dying to know.

"Where's my daughter and the girl?" I ask as politely as I can.

"Rogue and Claire?" He clarifies. "There here. they're fine."

"Really?" I glare at him not liking the fact that my little girl isn't with me.

He doesn't say anything as two more people enter the room.

"Ah Logan I'd like you to meet Oruro Monroe. Also called storm," he says as the woman faces me. "This is Scott Summers. Also called Cyclops."

Cyclops holds his hand out to me but I just stare at him until he lowers it slowly.

"They saved your life," the professor continues just before the red head I had choked earlier walks in. "I believe you've already met Dr. Jean Grey. Your in my school for the gifted. For mutants. You'll be safe here from Magneto."

I wonder who he is talking about.

"What's a Magneto?" I ask him.

"A very powerful mutant," he informs me. "Who believes that a war is brewing between mutants and the rest of humanity. I've been following his activities for some time. The man who attacked you is an associate of his called Sabretooth."

I fight the urge to laugh as he says the name.

"Sabretooth," I repeat in a sarcastic voice before looking at the other people mainly the white haired woman. "Storm."

I then turn to the professor.

"What do they call you, wheels?" I laugh hard just wanting to get my daughter and get out of this place. "This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

I go to leave but glasses gets in my way. I sigh.

"Cyclops right," I say angrily before gripping his shirt in a threatening manner. "You wanna get out of my way."

He looks down at my hands and then at the professor.

"Logan," the professor says but I don't look at him at first. "It's been almost fifteen years hasn't it. Living from day to day. Raising your daughter who you have no clue how she came to be. Moving from place to place. With no memory of who or what you are."

I finally let Cyclops go and look back at the professor in shock.

"Shut up," I order him.

"Give me a chance," he pleads with me. "I may be able to help you find some answers."

I am practically shaking with anger.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"You're not the only one with gifts," I hear the voices again and I realise that it was the professor all along.

"What is this place?" I ask smiling a little.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

I am now being showed around the grounds of the school. He is explaining that Jean, Cyclops and Storm were some of his first students. I watch as kids play and use their powers like they should be aloud to. He tells me how he taught them to control their powers and help other kids do the same.

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